part 7

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"(Snoring)" as we start another day with y/n as we see him sleeping so peacefully. The door open we see the old lady, even with months to think of one I still can't think of a good name for her yet, oh what is she doing with that ket

"AHHHHHH, MY DICK AND BALLS YOU FUCKIN CUNT!"  Y/n yelled in pain. "Breakfast ready." Mrs. Fuckin exclaimed.

(1 hour later)
As I was heading downstairs, I saw a full plate so I rushed to eat it even though it was cold but hell better than nothing, I noticed Sally giving me communist vibe to get her her to stop I gave her some beacon, as I turn my body to give her a piece of bacon but she disappeared, grimmy? I try to call her *burp*  and what I turned back to wasn't a plate of bacon and sausage, but a satisfied smug sally. 

I just starred at her squinting my eyes not about to say another naughty word but she jumped on my face with surprised me so I tipped back in my chair and before I hit the floor sally grab what was remaining of my breakfast from my hand and jump nicely into her arms. 

Fuckin while carrying and petting her while saying "good job grimmy." my eyed twitched a little mmmm *sigh* not worth my third curse word today, is there a reason why you attempted to erase my future children from existence? I asked.

"Yes, I have your first job for..."  "wait, wait, wait a hot minute first I thought murder forest was first, second hell no." I interrupted her, "no test and second, it just a simple transaction in town whom have an odd past time and you have no choice." She said like hell I am . I said "well you want to continue to live here rent free. Thinking for a few seconds, how am I supposed to get there.

"you're the car ." she said as she point out the window to the vehicle I acquired yesterday, okay still not okay OF ME doing  something possibly ILLEGAL! " Not illegal a transaction  and legal or not you have no choice not unless you want me to anal joe?" "Who is anal...."

She went out the room for a few seconds with a TV, and tape in hand label fun time. She put the tape aaaaaaaannnnnd. I picked up a fairly large container and ask so where I'm meeting this buyer? "like I said a small town with an odd past time I already put the coordination into prototype 39512-1915125912." Sure you can't you tell me the name of the town or who I'm meeting to narrow it down a little? "I already told you."  wait.

and got the car into without further ado, was about to push a button to start it I heard a familiar monotone female voice and said "so want to go?" uhhh yes? "Legal or non legal way."  Hey Mrs. Cunt what exactly am I engaging? She just blankly looking at me and just back up in the store without even moving her legs, let say the non legal way.

An: so I did not expect part 7 to take this long hopefully part 8 will take less time I will probably make a chapter talking about the latest rwby volume or not it's really whatever I feel like today.

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