Part 13

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"okay let do this" with light blue dust on left side on a desk and black on the right thanks to the large amount of dust I brought back Grimhilde allowed me to use as a Iot of it as I please so after I the last week grab and go when I made the dust bomb I started the think how I can push this magic dust to the limit and see what would happen.

with a bowl on the desk I was about to  pour both  canaster in until,  "*wine*" Angrlik urging her concerned, craning my neck to see her on the bed "don't looked at me like that if I'm going to survive the future event's and since their aren't really dates of what will really happen I need to be prepared." and with that being said with, "*yelp*" picking her up, shield in hand and.

The bowl was shaking with smoke coming from "ah shit." imminently backing up with Angrlik outstretched and my eyes squeeze close waiting for my mistake for my hit. 


   "Nothing?" carefully opening my eyes and see what I thought was going to be a massive fuckall explosion, "um?" after putting my shield down on the desk, "black ice?" picking up the bowl curiosities of this weird outcome "come on." as I trying to shake out my creation out the bowl.

*plop*glass sound* um first experiment and it didn't blow up in my, "*growl*" okay our mostly your face, now time to properly and carefully get rid of this black ice. proceed to open the window and hope no one comes right when I toss it. 

"hum?" I yes the black ice look nice but it best to leave it to, while my back is turn apparently Angrlik claw was raise.

huuuum huuuum huuum as Grimhilde humms a tune while washing dishes until "AHHH GOD!" screaming and black cloud coming from upstairs "FUCK FUCK FUCK *cough*cough*cough*cough* EXCUCE ME!" as Y/n white black smoke from his mouth with Angrlik his shoulder shove Grimhilde out the way stuck his head in the dish water.

"so when you finish cleaning up your experiment and breakfast, you have two places to go." is this another delivery thing? "no just need you to meet with some friends." criminal's,  I need to meet more criminals right? "no, just an animal's right group." oh, um where are we going to meet? "Already told Cieil just head in her and go in her and head on and go." ah nice, do I get to know where were going. "No" *sigh* as long it's a stupid animal right group pretty sure it will go fine. Angrlik still looking sickly, so your going to stay today "(raising head  looking she was about to say something) *baaarf*" really, *slosh* at least I know what to use for large group atleast.

this is going to be a long one isn't? "you can try my bungy jumping." looking out the window looking at a giant fuckoff fish swimming just above the surface,  just going to so out on a limb, dose the rope look like a fishing rope.


They're the silence, I'm just going to work the gun part of the axe to pass the time, just try not to crash into a leviathan. 

*snore*knock*knock* what, who, why looking out the window to meet a black girl with tiger ears but she not the only one with animal ear's, let me guess we are Kuo Kuana? 

"No you're.... right uuum, did you pay attention?" no just real good guesser *knock*knock* oh tiger girl is still there.

(rolling down the window) yeeees, "oh a human." that sounds offensive your offensive. "Oh my insolent master hobo." sarcasm will get you somewhere? "where?" some bullpoint. serval seconds pause "that the best you have?" Yes screw you Cieli where is the location were supposed to meet the stupid animal activist.

*slap* OW WHAT THE HE ohhhhhhh, in this context that sounds incredibly raciest in this world. and she walks away well made my first enemy in Menagerie in how long I have I been here? "4 hours." 4 hours really must be a record. well best to deal with the stupid animal activist, wonder if I get a really condescending sign to burn when I get back home, "do you need my assistance?" they're just animal activist how bad could it  possibly be.

(panicked whispered) FUCK FUCK FUNKY FUCK, so when she mean animal activist she meant the goddamed whitefang. Fuckin hell I'm screwed.

*slap*slap* with both cheeks red, no come on man you brave a grimed invested forest and took on two gang with guns just and you just need to talk to them and what the worst that cou....

Grrr stupid human calling the WhiteFang stupid where can he get....SHIT like my day couldn't get worse some clumsy ass bump me into an empty stall, *groan* wha oh it's you the human just bump into me girl, "tigergirl?" grrr YOU STUPID MY NAME IS mmmmm. "shhh" Did he put his filthy hand on me and shush me so as retaliation I bit his hand. I'm satisficed judging by the face he is making. "(shaking his hand in pain while whispered) why?" because you shush me, *smirked* "I really starting to hate you." so who are you running from? "The WhiteFang." THE WH mmmm he put his hand on my mouth and I bite him again, with his mouth bulging with air trying not scream in pain. How? "How what?" how could you piss off an entirely peaceful organization? "I tripped with some fire dust that I forgot to take out my axe that then shot a projectile hit a oil barrel they were moving in the path of sed projectile at the time and the fire hit it with enough force to send the know flaming oil barrel at one of their bigger warehouse. set most of their stuff on fire." eeeeeh seriously, with the serious look on his face. (deep breath) (muffle laughter) as he trying contain my laughter.

"(long breath out)" so dose this happen a lot? "no it usually after I piss people off until I set something on fire." really? "no I just make people mad ." I can see why, "well with them gone better to leave know before they comeback." he got up to screeched, he then proceed to help me up, as he reach into his pocket at the same time and hand me some shitton of leni from his pocket. what are you doing? "since you didn't try to hard to grab attention of people who want to kill me, concurred this as thank you for not trying to kill me." wh..? Before I could attempt to react "no time bye." and just like that he was gone with me un able to refused the money he gave me. *ring*ring* oh mom, I picked up, yes mom "sienna I know I didn't give you alot but." no worry I think well be fine for a while.

FUCK FUCK FUCK CIELI OPEN THE DOOR! and I got in, GO GO GO! "why?" A WhiteFang member saw me "FOUND HIM!" and a bunch of them pointed weapon at me "sooo how did it go?" shut it, first is they're any innocents civilians near "no" good I need you to mix the ice and the black dust together and wait for my single.

"ready" wait

"set" almost 

"FRII!" WAIT I screeched on a speaker and they stop wow that shouldn't have work, can I least play a song before my demise. They seem to agree I played "I put her in nice and slow"  Cieli on the second verse launch the burst "Blow things in your heart." *COGUH*COGUH*COGUH* "where is he how did he even  do that *COGUH*COGUH*" SO LONG SUCKERS HAHAHA.

well I failed that mission "no worry she assumed you would failed this one way or another." wow really feeling the trust. "Know we are heading to plan B."

"What's with the long face friend?" of course it's the clockwork orange cosplay motherfucker and the ice cream girl in tow, sorry but I don't like driving a criminal around. "criminal? No I'm just a normal business man whom merely repute wealth to those who most need it." to mostly yourself. "who is more ineed of that wealth than myself?"  with my frown going even farther we finally we are at a dusty place, why would she want to aquept herself with him I'll never know.   

  "your here guessing plan A didn't work out." what do you think? "and you must be roman?" she said as she lean in "you must be Grimhilde my lady?" he said as he proceed to kiss her hand, well since you don't need me so you can take theses two out and. "I only need roman you can take the ice cream girl somewhere else for a hour." really? "yes see you in an hour." as she went in to have a the talk. I looked up and in the mirror with small ice cream girl, sooo ice cream? she nod her head rapidly.

you see the ice cream girl is named neo and she kind of a portage of sort's so know I'm charging double of my service for at least for a while, "let's just head to the back and discuses your.. service." as she walk through a door to what I except a normal room but I'm know in a strange place what. "*grrrr*" WHAT as I raised up mine cane hopelessly at the endless grim around me and I see a pale skin woman with black veins on her body "it feels so good to let my hair down" Grimhilde? "no that just the name I use for friends for our*snap*"  grim seems to get more viscous as she snap urging me to sit down "you can just call me salem."  

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