part 16

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so thank to stealth mode which is new and would say a good thing on a good day but since I seen a waiter fly so at the moment a not so good day and instead of happiness I'm feeling nothing but white hot rage instead of of going straight to a hotel and detoxing I currently have my head on the wheel with fear of what I might do and the pain of the day seem's about to ask me a question.


shut up what, she said with what sounded like some emotion but I didn't notice at the time cause I'm still feel with almost bling rage.

I say shut up I'm thinking of OUR next course of action, I said wondering how a goddamned car snuck on a plane. 

well I can change size so you can still go on with your operation, I SAID SHU wait you can change size I was about to yelled out but stop after I just processed to what she just said to me.

you can change size? I asked and she answered yes so that explained how a car snuck on a plane but I still have question but I know I will start yelling so and the police looking for a jeep and since I'm pretty sure they now want to talk(beat within a inch of his life) to the driver(me) for either attempted and or actual murder so best to find alley, change clothes,  ask Cleil to make me a full body disguised, go to that hotel, and yelled at all of them.

okay here the gameplan.


*ding* the door went and with Cleil in my pocket with Neo in to my right disguised of course and Angrlik in a pet carrier.

hey I'm Hansel Leiderhosen I'm here to check in, I said to the pretty receptionist but she had a confused look on her, I would excepting you to be a bit older and alone and, listen I interrupted a brother of my drop off my niece  at the last minute and the petsitter my grandmother have said she can't deal with kids told me to piss off and left, so do have my room ready and yes I'm a hunter, umm they do get younger year by year she said while she hold out a keycard I grabbed it and head to the room.

*click* opening the door to see a fancy ass room making sure everyone is inside I closed the door I took Cleil out of my pocket and put her in a spot in the room so she can grow enough to not destroyed everything and I noticed Neo eyes brighter than usual but dose not quell my rage.

turning of my camo Cleil please print out some soundproof material and glue she did and with all the door and walls cover she explained (read the previous chapter)

(deep breath) she just told me and I did the only thing I could think of a

a random witch, hope they don't kiss they'er mother with that mouth.

a random oz, well someone mighty piss he said in a calm tone while drinking coffee

two random brother, brother what is that, I believed those are curses, but I thought I took those with me.

a R.O.B. I don't remember super scream as one of the wish.

(after a few hours and a few windows broken)       

  huf huf huf. with me trying to catch my breath next to a shatter window.

Y/n you okay? one of them ask. no I'm not okay just ran out of cuss words. 

you disobeyed cause you were curious.

so let me get this straight you yeeted a guy with no way you could confirmed he would be alive or not cause you were CURIOUS.  

you almsot fought law enforcement and almost got blown up putting not only your life in danger but Neo and Angrlik as well, and speaking of you 2 what were you thinking Angrlik your not only a grimm a highly inelegance grimm so you can either die or be in lab until you die and NEO.

(more yelling and cursing)

  so how did you even find out. 

......Cleil went 


POV random drone  

like how Atlas is the more advance compare to other kingdoms, and manufacturing a ton of stuff for all the other kingdom and the home our lovely Cleil.

(flashback end)

pinching the bridge of my noise while sittting down on a foot stool, okay gameplan Cleil tomorrow your coming with me so I can keep my eye on you, you tw... but Cleil interrupted, butt is for a jackasses and the only jackass is me at the moment I retorc, and she got quite imminently, you two will be watch by sam and wait until I get back. they both nod and with that out the way, *knock*knock* Cleil can you deal with this pointing out all the foam.

okay, with her sounding depress, GOOD an as I open the door the same receptionist from before, the receptionist she asked ARE YOU OKAY! concurred for my safety, wondering why she would be then notice the broken window and realizing I'm the cause with imminently feel me with shaking dread so while trying to keep a straight face while trying to keep myself from shaking too even though every fiber of my being really wanted to.

after a quick explanation she said not one got hurt but the damaged is immense enough to delay room service for an hour making sure I'm okay she left.

you mad? Angrlik n well actually mighty piss but since the only one person was hurt no point crying over spill milk. 

setting a alarm for 2 hours I laid down one of the bed and Cleil ask why the disguised? and I point to the shatter window and everything went black.

A/N: the youtube video at the top this and the previous chapter are mine yes shameless plug.    

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