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"Hello Harry" he looks up at me and studies me "what do you want lier" oh yeah this will be fun

"Your such a jerk! I saved your arse!" He scoffs at me

"All you saved was Voldemort from being caught!" I glare at him

"He very careful with your next words Hairy!"

"You forced Cedric to lie for you and took his money for winning like you did some great deed all you do is save yourself from being caught as what you are!"

"AND WHAT AM I!" He leaned forward grabbing me "a monster"

"Your lucky I got Cedric to lie if it wasn't for me Dumbledore would most likely be butting head with different ministry officials and we all know the minister would never want the public to know he'd want to shut us up and probably send a ministry worker to destroy hogwarts and get rid of Dumbledore I did you a favor"

I slap his hand away and slap him in the face

Harry looks more angry "no one believes me for what I saw!" I lean forward this time causing him to lean away from me


"GOOD?! Your the worst" I smile "if it wasn't for me he'd be dead and you know it! And you going around telling people puts him in danger and me so shut up will you!"

"We hate each other what the hell do you want"

I love winning arguments from this popis fool

"It's about the war if I don't become friends with you apparently a lot of people die someone told me I needed to befriend two people and I could save those two people then by saving them I almost save everyone in the war"

Harry nods "what two people need your saving?" I glare at him "you don't know my abilities so you might not want to keep trying to belittle me if you ever want saving"

"Fine but who are the people?"

"I won't tell you the first but one of them is Sirius Black the person said if I get close to you I could protect him" Harry laughs "he doesn't need protection you know how strong he is he escaped Azkaban!" I roll my eyes "just like your parents didn't need protection"



I know that was cruel but everyone says how strong they were and they still died imagine if they had someone there like my mother they would have lived

"You know people thought they didn't need protection either" Harry stays quiet a minute longer "how do your powers work and is there a time limit of how long someone can be dead"

Doesn't matter how long, my powers would heal them of anything. If he's thinking what i think he is I really don't want to dig up a fifteen year old grave especially with the smell sure it'll bring them back but ewww but it could be a little fun digging up a grave

"No time limit but if they were killed by the killing curse it's difficult" Harry nods and laughs "not difficult enough I guess for you since you got Cedric" I shake my head "different type of difficult, the end result is hard on me"

He looks like he's studying me

"Would you be able to raise my parents from the dead?" I look at him i knew this was coming

Yes but I don't want to to raise them both I can't even imagine the cost it would have on me and he's grown now your parents were dead your whole childhood

"is that what it takes to be your friend" he shrugs "I could do it, but depending on the price it would be what I value most" he nods "what do you value most?"

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