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I can hear that evil twin of mine laughing, he has a letter from Roger he's in my year and been my boyfriend since fifth year it's now our seventh year and everything must be perfect.

I've been going to Hogwarts since 1989. It's my last year here soon at then end of this year 1996 I'm leaving... that's slightly horrifying

But Tyler stole not only the letter from my boyfriend but my necklace

"TYLER PLEASE STOPPPP" and suddenly he did! Fuck! Wandless magic I didn't mean to do it I get emotional sometimes with Tyler more than anyone and can't help but lose control.


I turn to see my dad running up the stairs from his office "oh dear, don't worry I'll fix this and the ministry won't even bother you since your seventeen now" I nod and wipe my tears thank goodness for that

"Now what made you go all twin bond magic murder on Tyler" I sniffle and look at a corner not wanting to get Tyler in trouble.

"Butternut no, if we're sending you back after what happened last year your telling me why you almost killed your brother"

I stand up angry "why are you still angry about last year I saved a boys... reputation!" He glares at me I almost screamed at him how I saved a boys life but even if my dad knows I refuse to tell him I'm like mom

"Harry told everyone he was hit by the killing curse then magically my daughter pushes past the crowd looking like she's in a hipnosis state grabs the boy and her neck snaps upwards as a green light appears blinding everyone and then boom Cedric Diggory is suddenly alive and you don't want us to question this!"

"Cedric even said it was a joke Dad he was fine nothing crazy happened, Harry's a drama Queen everyone knows that" my dad knows exactly what I'm hiding my mother had this same gift she had an identical twin though that helped her control the power I don't have that I have Tyler who wasn't gifted the abilities so when my emotions get out of control sometimes my powers attack and they always go for him

My parents could never figure out why my mom tried her hardest but she gave me a moonstone necklace that I could use to help channel my powers

"Tyler took the moonstone" my dad stoped and looked like murder I felt horrible my dad then grabbed the moonstone from Tyler and put it back on me

My powers are a curse I can heal people moments before death after death it cost me something sometimes not from the big stuff but if it's the killing curse it will cost me. I didn't know that before but then Cedric my friend was killed. So I saved him and I paid the price.

The price is always something you cherish or love or can't live without for me apparently my last memory of my mother was my price to pay.

She got a wizard sickness they couldn't heal her she was 34 for a witch it was very young but was dying no matter what I remember going to her and asking if what I've done made her proud and what job I should go for and if she thought I should cut my hair but then it gets blurry I ask her a question about a boy and I see nothing

I remember how when I needed help knowing if what I was doing was right I'd look back on that memory now I don't know but Cedric is alive so that's what matters

I told Cedric to not tell anyone what happened if he starts spreading Voldemort is back then he's as good as dead again

Him and Harry split the prize money though Cedric gave me his saying I saved his life and he had no use for it he just wanted to spend time with his dad now that he has a second chance

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