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I looked everywhere

All of my domain

Everywhere in the afterlife


Rosalina isn't strong enough to erase them from existence and if she was I'd know and I'd be able to fix this

But nothing

I need help


I see myself she looks annoyed


"You've changed a lot in six years why so moody?" She rolls her eyes "for you six years for me another lifetime, every year for you is four here"

Oh yeah because three months was one year and six months would be two years so wow

So my six years have been twenty four years for her that's insane

"I have a problem" she nods "when don't you?"



"That's not fair! You put me down there you forced me there made me fall for Fred!" She grabs me "like you think I wouldn't trade places with you in a second!"

I look at her

"Think about it Asteria, you haven't needed my help in six years, you die all the time. You have all my knowledge! You only come to me when you forget something and need my mind to help you. Your officially more powerful then me I'm only a split consciousness of you thousands of years ago. Your the present and I'm the past. Your even my fucking boss!"

I look at her "get Dumbledore" she snaps her fingers and I look at Dumbledore "I need to take her with me to solve a problem take care of the domains for me till we return" he nods and I snap her and me back at the burrow but outside she looks beyond happy

"We need a name for you calling you death when I'm more death then you makes no sense"

She nods "especially since I'm just a version of you that you created so you wouldn't have to take care of the afterlife and decide what mortals get to live or die. Oh or how the main reason I was created was so you could live a mortal life while I do all your responsibilities. How about Tanda"

I laugh "the seer of life and death?" She nods "I watch as you kill and bring to life I am your seer I only ever watch I'm an observer never observed"

"Fine come on Tanda"

We walk to the burrow door and Fred comes running out "yummy"

I glare at her "say a thing and your gone"

"Your the boss"

Fred walks up and sees me then her and then walks up to me "did you find her"

I smile at him

He knew it was me but that's not important

"No Tanda is here to help me find Layla and Emily. They aren't anywhere in the afterlife" Tanda looks at me "I get to meet Emily?" I glare "no you can 'observer' like you always do right?"

"Your just mad your a skank" I pull her with me "bye we're going to find them"

I see Rosalina come running and I shove Tanda "go wait by the edge I'll meet you over there"

"Say hi to my family for me" I roll my eyes "last time I noticed I shoved those kids out my vagina"

"Your sick" I slap my ass and spin "thanks I try"

I walk away from her and to Rosalina and hold her "hey honeybun what's up"

"I want to come help you"

"I already got help so don't worry"

She looks over to Tanda walking off

"Why would you want someone other than me to help you" I kiss her head "your definitely my daughter, trust me I don't but this might be dangerous"

"Danger is my middle name!"

"Nope, I'm your mother and your middle name is Irene and your godmother Pansy picked it" she rolls her eyes at me and then she smiles

She starts to hug me tight as she cries

"What's wrong Rosalina?" She starts to sniffle and Fred and George run over "you said 'I'm your mother' I always wanted you here and now your here your my mom your my mom I only ever had a dad now I have you. I can't wait for you to come back and you, me, and Emily can have girls day and teach us stuff!"

She looks so happy and hugs me tight and then she jumps down from my hands and she starts to spin and waves good bye as she runs to my father into his arms as Lupin taps her head

I can feel Fred and George eyes on me as I watch her walk away

"Say what you two are going to say"

I know them they stay silent and then I look at them "you two were some of my favorite people, and I felt safe with you. But when your both upset with me, I feel it. The air changes, so say what you want to say.

"Are you still going to leave?" I look at Fred then George "I already told him what you said. Whatever you want to say go ahead and say"

"I didn't mean to get close... I'm sorry for that because we didn't even talk about if you would be fine with that. I'm really sorry. But after I find Emily and my sister I want you and me to talk and George can be there if you guys want since he's more a parent than me... but after the adults talk I plan whatever we come up with to inform the girls and if they want less or more time depending on whatever you feel we can adjust but if you say yes to me being in their life Fred and they decide they want less time I don't want to rush them"

Fred looks at George and George nods

"I was going to say after Rosalina called you mother and these few hours you spent with her you cant leave. I'd love you in their life" I smile "thanks Fred"

He looks down "no problem Teri" I freeze for a second and feel my hand shake I know the boys notice but I stop it "I'll see you guys later"

I bend down in a bow and let my head look down I think I just curtseyed for Fred

What the hell is wrong with me

But then I rush over to where Tanda is

"Your pathetic" I roll my eyes "let's just find my daughter and sister you bitch"

I put my hand in hers and we try tracking the energy of Emily

Because of my blood being with her it's like a power source of energy for me to find her

And then bing

"I got it let's go"


I realized someone didn't have a proper fairwell for all their bitchy ness so let's do this

Q: favorite video game

Skyrim or animal crossing but I'm saving up for the hogwarts legacy. I also like fables because you could be hero or villain of the game and it was one of the first like that. Sometimes I like fallout I've played most of them but haven't played the newest one yet. Boarderlands is also fun i only play that with my dad and brother though. Oh and mortal kombat is awesome.

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