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I kiss Fred goodbye and the girls as I leave Sirius is watching the kids while I'm at work my day at work before I'm married

Im very excited to change my last name at work but also a part of me will miss it I love having Black to represent Dad

I might just make Black a second middle name make my name Asteria Rose Black Weasley... wow thats a mouth full might just replace Rose then and keep that as the nickname Layla uses for me

Asteria Black Weasley

Okay getting somewhere

I walk into the ministry and chaos everyone is screaming and running and leaving I look around

Whats happened?

I see the Aurors all running into action heading ti the ministers office the direction I was going

I run faster I see Draco and Harry with Ron and I yell

They stop and look worried

"Asteria what are you doing here?"

"What's happened?"

"The building was meant ti be closed"

But then something hits me being so close to the Ministers office

"He's dead"

They all look at eschother then me

"You were the last person Kingsley spoke to did he say anything weird"

"Told me to save him cake at my wedding and that he wanted me back at work as soon as possible. We had just started tslking abiut the first thing he wanted ti do as Minister"

The boys nod but then one of the Aurors who look younger hand Harry a paper I look at Harry weird

I always forget he's hesd of the Aurors department he always seems like such a kid to me but Harry smiles at the paper

"The last words Kingsley wrote was your his successor and was giving you so many promotions soon you'd steal his job he was sending it to inform i assume the prime minister from how it's addressed"

"So what does that mean"

"Your honeymoon just got shorter"

Oh fun

Later that night I get home and the girls are all asleep and Sirius is gone Fred waited up for me though

"Your really late everything okay"

"Kingsley died"

Fred stands up and walks over to me "can you bring him back?" I didn't check

"I didn't check"


"Well after Harry told me I was the new minister of magic I started having to go over papers and look over everything Kingsley was doing sonce I was working directly under him I knew most of it but I never went detective on the case left that to the Aurors and never saw the body I sensed it"

Fred gasps

"Your the minister?"

"Yup Percy is really good at helping people get a job" Fred hugs me "only two years and my girls at the top" I giggle

"I need to get a team together to work with me"

"A team?"

"Adviser to the Minister's office, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic, Junior Assitant to the Minister of Magic"

Percy has been Junior Assistant before I  know now hes working in head of department of transportation but he'd be a help if he doesn't want that job again I could offer Pansy or Draco. A good Senior undersecretary could be Hermione it be a huge promotion. Then that just leaves my advisor

I know who to ask

"Fred I have to go visit Sirius"

"What its late" I kiss his cheek "I'll be back soon"

With that I bolt for it

When I get to dad's I knock a few times till dad answers looking cranky as ever

Till he sees me

"Asteria You okay honey"

"Can I speak to Remus?"


600 words exactly. Sorry to end so short but it felt perfect there

Q: Why do you think she needs to speak to Remus and is deciding to go this route?

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