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The party continues with people asking me questions as i hold my tummy my little girl is kicking

I walk over when the party is being cleaned up and everyone leaving to Fred who has talked to everyone but me to night

"I have a question"

"Ask Teri, and im not avoiding you"

"Never said you were"

"You were going to"

"No i wasn't i wanted permission on a name"

He stands up "permission?"

"I want to name the baby in my tummy but there's a snag i don't want you to feel betrayed"


"Stop parroting me"

"Parroting?" He smiles wide and I nudge him

"I want to give her two middle names"


"One to represent my love and one to represent she is my child"

"Okay say the name you want her to have"

"Elena (Ellie) Bedelia Hecate Black"

"Yes" he nods "okay"

"But Hecate?"

"What's wrong with Hecate?"

"Your name is Asteria isn't that a falling star goddess and astronomy and stuff" i nod "yes?"

"And her child was Hecate correct?"


"Godess of magic and ghost and stuff correct?"


"Why was that never a name you thought of when we were pregnant"

"I thought of Bedelia and at the time we only had Emily's middle name left and we named her after my grandmother and goddess of truth and it worked well"

"No you know what i am mad about Bedelia that was one of the names for our future children it was a joke between us that i hold with me even now that i could never send that child to bed you don't get that"


"Either Hecate or Bedelia those two have values and both upset me"

"Fine i won't use Bedelia but I'll change it to Cora goddess of the underworld"

Elena Cora Hecate Black

I love it

"Im sorry but those names mean something to me"

"I expected them to"


"I wanted to know if i could continue naming the children's middle name or sometimes even first after gods and goddess"

"Did you ever give Cadmus a middle name"



"Why what?"

"Why a sea goddess?"

"She's the symbol of chaos and primordial creation"

"Losing him i felt pain it was a lot i fell far down a hole of dispair so its either that or Pallas"

"No need for a war god its all good Tiamat is good"

"You could of gone with Crius"

"If he was still alive i would because things would make sense then"

"Asteria the girls talk a lot of being jealous they wont live with you"

"I know i never thought they'd want to see me more always thought they wanted the minimum time with me"

"Well they are related to me Teri sooo..."

"Yeah i get it i get it. After the baby is born im going to have Sirius help me for a while then im going to look for my own place"

"The girls were right you have your own place Daniels mansion but thats both you and Layla's but also Leon house is yours"

"The Truit mansion interesting also I'm scared to walk into that house"

"That's understandable"

"The memories all are bad"

"I told the girl that when they were upset you didn't want that house"

"I have to go and clean out that house next week was going to invite you and George to come help since i helped a tiny bit with your guys shop"

"You were the inspiration for a lot of products"


"Like baby clothes you can buy after the baby is born"

"FRED WEASLEY YOU JERK!" He laughs and so do I "in all seriousness there's trick bags oh and this tool that will trick your friends making you think someone snapped their neck its the snapper"

He's ridiculous

"Your everything to me Fred"

"Sometimes your too cute"

"I love you Fred" Fred kisses me but suddenly I feel a bad feeling

"Wait Fred where are the girl?"

Fred looks around "did they go upstairs"

"No the party was happening then it ended people started leaving and George started cleaning up in the back no one went upstairs. GIRLS!"



We're both screaming George comes out and just follows us without question Pansy does the same and were all screaming

Draco had went home with their kids but Pansy wanted to stay to help me for cleanup

Now she's helping me find my daughters

But nothing the girls never respond

We run outside and still nothing it's completely quiet

All night we are looking we go to all the shops around Fred and George even check the ice cream spot but nothing

All night and next day the girls are gone

Where are my little girls

No trace of them at all

Fred and the whole group look for days i decide to look in all domains

But no trace

Fred gives me comfort anytime i cry during these two days

I want my girls

Why when everything looks bright does this happen

If they were dead I'd know
If they were alive I'd know
If they were erased I'd know

Even Tanda is trying to help as well as the council but something is blocking all of us


I head to the department of ministry and storm in no wand just a scythe in my hand no one stops me

They all know who i am and either move or run out the way

In this moment my daughters lives are on the line they are lucky not to mess with death when those girls lives are on the line

I push anyone i need to whos too dumb or pisses me of till i get to Harry he's walking with Draco when both look shocked to see me

"Asteria? What's happened why are you here? Did you find the girls"

"Where is the invisibility cloak Harry Potter!"


Hope Ginny said her fair wells to that bitch today he about to get fuckkkkked

Q: what do you think will take place with the girls and their location?

Ummm haven't decided maybe kidnapped not sure how bad I'll make this or how wholesome

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