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I see light come in from the blinds still no George but I turn to Fred


He's been playing with my hair while I was asleep he leans in and kisses me

"Every morning I used to wake up to you I always wanted to do that" I hug him "me too Freddie"

"You need to get dressed soon in about fifteen minutes Ginny will come to wake George and I"

I nod

I grab my shorts that Fred grabbed for me last night after I passed out on the hay stack

I go towards Fred "where's your knitted sweater" he smiles "which one I have like seven million" I smile "I want a big one that swallows me" he smiles and kisses me

"Honey my baby sweaters would swallow you" I glare "get me the one you wore four days ago!"

He laughs and stands up he's still not wearing anything so I am just admiring him

Definitely not creepy since we're dating

Oh we're DATING I love that word suddenly

"Hey! Drools, here it is" his sweater hits me in the face knocking me down

Most the time I love that word

"Thank you sexy" i hear him sigh but he signed up for this he knew what he was getting

"Bebe I'll see you later gotta head to Percy's room before anyone notices" he nods "are we telling people?" I turn back to him

"Do you want to?" He shrugs "don't you still have that event to go to with Roger and your fun breakup dinner and probably something else?"

I nod "great" Fred sits down and looks annoyed

"Fred you okay?" I hear him give a weak answer "hmm" I put my hands on his shoulders and straddle him with both my legs spread on either side

"Fred are you jealous?"

He looks me in the eyes

"no that would be stupid to be jealous over"

I nod "that's exactly what I was thinking why would the guy I just had three rounds of sex with be jealous of a man I had a toxic and abusive relationship of four horrible years where I never once had sex with him"

"Did you ever truly consider sex with him?" I nod "yeah I even talked to you about it I thought sex would fix me and him but I never wanted to really even kissing him got uncomfortable and a few times I imagined someone else while kissing him"



"Who?" You, you dummy "it was nothing at the time, but it was you anytime this year I've thought about you"

He starts kissing me

"We have ten minutes want to have your first quicky"

"No, not only does it hurt to walk and I have to sit weird but I'm not risking Molly or Ginny walking in on us and I wanna make a good impression I still have to meet your father and my hair and makeup still needs to be done I'll fuck you later"

He smiles "okay that's a deal, I'll see you later then"

I leave his room sneaking out and making my way to Percy's room as quietly as possible I close the door and right when I'm about to turn

"Took you long enough! So what sibling of mind did you bed?" I smile "PERCY!" I run over and hold him

"I missed you" he smiles and rubs my head "I know I know, I missed you"

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