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Fred and I are waiting a week to get married we let Molly do all the planning other than outfits and people we chose to be in the wedding

Harry is our ring boy because I'm a bitch and Fred thought it would be funny he's doing it with Nero

Emily and Rosalina are our flower girls Luna offered to walk them instead of being a bridesmaid I think she wants to spend as much time with the girls since with Pansy, Sirius, and Molly not many other people have been able to hold the babies long periods of time

Sirius is walking me down the aisle he cried when I asked I let him hold Rosalina to calm him down

Molly and Arthur walk in after Fred and his best men

Fred's men are George and Lee and Ron

My bridesmaids are Layla and Pansy is my maid of honor... Percy was supposed to be a bridesmaid but no matter how many letters or messages I send nothing

If he doesn't appear soon I'll ask Hermione

I'm leaving an open seat for Harry's mom and dad and also for Mollys brothers and for some of Salina's family like her mom and twin sister not Salina though

"I.. Asteria but I feel nothing for you"

Remus and Sirius liked the idea

But they like everything lately since they've been very happy with the grandkids since Remus acts like my other dad with Sirius it's sweet went from no parents to two in a day

I offered Remus to walk me down with Sirius but he said he'll walk behind me helping so the dress doesn't get caught in anything he's been very protective it's sweet

Charlie and Bill are coming to the wedding Charlie won't be arriving for three more days Molly said he was cutting it awfully close with only two days for him to spare but she's just worried he won't have anything to wear for the occasion I got a tux ready for him incase something happened

Fred gave me Charlie's measurements and helped me out with it

I love being a united front together

Fred and I spent today mostly with Molly and Sirius and offered to get ice cream at Florean Fortescue's since the fifth years are coming for the wedding

Fred and I went out with Rosalina because Emily was asleep and Sirius and Molly said we could leave her with them for the hour we'd be gone

I expected to be gone twenty minutes but Fred laughed that we were kicked out

"This is what you get for having kids that are too cute"

I smile and shove him "your one to speak I saw Molly throwing pictures of you and George in a drawer to make room for Emily and Rosalina she's cleared out most of your siblings albums for these two"

"Yeah I saw a picture of Bill in the trash yesterday and asked why she said she didn't have room for it and if I wanted to keep it leave it in his room" I smile "these kids are going to be more loved then possible I made a smart choice mating with a Weasley"

He kisses my temple and Rosalina starts to sleep in the baby pouch I have her in we hold hands and I look at the engagement ring smiling

"Ria?" Fuck

"Hello... Roger"

"Oh who's this little guy" can I kill him? "This is Rosalina, she's a girl" he nods "you babysitting now?"

"She's my daughter" he stops and looks at her then looks at Fred and my hand interwoven together and then it lands on the ring

"It's May It's been five months since we broke up and you were dead two and a half of those months"

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