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Pansy did good on Fred but he already looks amazing

"That was weird right?" He nods "your friends"

"I wouldn't say that"

"Trust me they are your friends they care a lot about you"

"No no what I mean is they aren't just my friends Pansy ran right up to you since I've been gone you got close"

"Yeah, it's interesting actually. We started to get close the first time when you sacrificed yourself we bonded on your birthday it was a hard day that we don't like to talk about"

"Oh, so you've guys been close for a really long time"

"Yeah for a while I guess"

"And she has been here for you the last six years"

"Sometimes she's been nice to talk to but she didn't deal well with you being in harm she was so angry at the world so I only would see her once a month but for a while she would stop in and check in on me she liked being around Rosalina"

"that's lots of time"

"Teri, I know you and I know when your worried and when your jealous"

"I'm not worried or jealous"

"Nothing happened between me and Pansy she and Draco have been together forever"

"Did anything happen with anyone else?"

"Hmm let me think about that... there was this one girl. Gorgeous eyes and her backside all amazing but there seems to be a problem"

"What's the problem your ex showing up?" He laughs "no definitely not the problem seems to be she was kidnapped for a while and now has lots of trust issues with me"

"I'd like to argue she kinda always had trust issues"

"True, but it always felt like she trusted me more"

"She did"

"So I have a proposal to fix this"

"Continue but if it's another proposal I will hurt you"

"I think that's what you said the first time I proposed"

"Shut up"

"Let's go on a date"

"Date? I'm pregnant"

"So? We've been on one date and we have two daughters together. I think every date we've been on you've been pregnant for. Also pregnate ladies can go on dates you weirdo"

"Fine but if it sucks im bailing"

"You say the nicest things to me Asteria"

We walk around but find nothing with how late it is so we go to a muggle village and he buys a cereal box and we sit on a bench near the water

"We need to catch you up on pop culture since you've been gone"

"No you don't it's not like I was gone twenty years I was gone six years"

"But you were gone from the transition from 1999 to 2000 big change girl"

"Your ridiculous"

"Whatever we'll work on you"

"Fred during all that time I was gone did Tyler ever say anything"


"Please Fred"

"When we saw him usually nothing but a year before Ivan he came to one of our dinners and said 'i wonder if she'll ever get out' it was out of the blue and looking back definitely sounds like he knew something we didn't"

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