Chapter 4

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"How did it go?" Gabby asked once I was done taking a glass of water.

"Technically it wasn't what I expected but it went well. Got the job." I slightly smiled.

"Which is..." she dragged.

"A nanny job." I dead panned it.

"Whaaaaat! Children. Oh! Goodness! But you ain't good with kids. You barely know how to look after those little devils."

Yap I totally expected her to be like that. For real I was also shocked when Miss Christine said I'd be a nanny. Thought I was supposed to look after kids but it was quite the opposite.

" Not in that manner. Am looking after a multi-billionaire guy. I hear he is a well known business man."

That time Gabby was looking at me, confusion plastered all over her face. I exactly expected her to have that expression.

"I know Gab I barely know the details of the job. Luckily he isn't the type to stay home often. Miss Christine said he comes once or twice. Got meetings all over the world." I explained.

"Well that good since technically you will be paid for doing nothing. That means more money for us to spend."

"Gabby have you forgotten about your debts."

I had to remind her since she seems like she had totally forgotten about it. Snapping her out of the fantasy world was way better than having her stuck in it.

" You didn't have to rub it on my face. Anyways what's for supper?"she asked.

" surprise me. "

With that I went to our room to get off this fitting clothes away from my body. Later I was relaxing on the couch playing games on my phone waiting for time to pass by.

" Anny dinner is ready. "Gabby's voice echoed through the hallway.

" Coming. "I called back.

The moment I opened that door, felt like I was in those fancy restaurants. I went once with my dad when he was introducing me to his partners and their rich spoiled kids. The tantalizing aroma of barbecue steak was calling me.

" Yum! "I spoke sitting.

" Enjoy. "she spoke.

There I was happily enjoying the food. It was so delicious. I ate to my stomach's content.

" Already full? "she asked.

" Yah! Am full. "

We both sat in the sitting area watching while drinking wine.

" So when are you starting the new job?"

Before I could answer, I heard a buzz coming from my phone.

" Speaking of which... "

I flipped my phone to where Gabby was seated. It was a message from my boss.

{I'll be coming this weekend. Hope I'll find my place clean. In advance prepare my conference hall. I am hosting a meeting there. These gentlemen are from China but they like Australian culture more. Make the place look hospitable to host them. Don't screw this up.}

"Well seems fair enough. The sooner the better. That means more money."

At least she was happy compared to me. I knew nothing about Chinese heritage and I didn't pay that much attention either to my Australian culture. Two days wasn't enough. I was really fucked up. Now I know why the other's were fired. This needs much more than just house work stuff.

"Yah I better get a good night's sleep before I loose my mind on this." I spoke yawning. "Good night Gab."

"Night nanny."

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