Chapter 35

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"Hey. Here." I heard Nano's voice behind me once I reached the main ball room.

He passed a glass of champagne to me.

"I saw you with Luke. You both seem acquainted with each other. So what's up with you too?" he asked.

"Nothing is going on." I stated with a hint of anger in my voice.

"Okay chill out."He shook me a bit.

"Fine." I eased up.

We both enjoyed the moment for a couple of seconds before I heard a familiar voice reach out to me.

"Anny. I missed you."

She came rushing to me. I hugged her tightly for a while.

"The heck. Why are you even talking to this guy?" she asked in confusion when her eyes landed on Nano.

Their last encounter was not a likeable one hence forth there was no need for the two to cross path. The two seemed to have bad blood with each other. The moment Nano laid his eyes on her, I knew then I had a job to keep the two in check and away from each other.

"Gabby... Not now." I dragged.

"Well let the queen bee release her anger. The only thing she can do is to sting just once." He teased her.

"You bastard." Gabby cursed.

I had to break the two before their actions could attract more attention. On the other hand dad had fixed a hard gaze at our direction. That alone signified he was aware of the situation.

"Gabby for my sake, please." I literally begged her.

She nodded slightly. A thought flashed in my mind. If Gabby was here then Lukah was here too,and if Lukah and Max were here then Jerald is somewhere near.

"Gab, is Lukah here?"I asked even though I knew the answer.

" There. "she directed me with he eyes.

Lukah signaled me with a slight bow. Focusing my eyes closely in the crowd, I was met with familiar faces. Both Mr. Bernard and Mr. Kim came to greet us at where we stood.

Nano was surprised to see both of us speaking casually with each other. The entire time he seemed confused.

"Well, tonight is sure going to be a blast." Mr. Bernard exaggerated while they excused themselves.

"Gabby, you better tell me what in the world is going on here."I whispered. My voice in a serious tone.

" Technically Anny I have no idea. I was only told my part. The rest Max was afraid I'd spoil it by telling you. "she stated.

Something big was going to happen and I had no idea what it was.

" That dress is fine." we both looked back at Nano.

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