Chapter 22

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''That was epic. You were awesome. How did you pull this one through.'' He asked amazed.

''Well, am not that useless after all.'' I whispered.

I was super excited about my hard work. Even though I wasn't sure about any of this. Still, I managed to pull this one up. Countless time I doubted myself, yet I found a breakthrough. Never in my wildest dream have I thought about doing a business presentation.

''Good job, Anny.'' He whispered back.

I slightly curved my lips. It was the first time that he acknowledged my hard work. Mr. Arnold was the one pleased to the maximum. After the meeting he came toward where I was seated. We both looked at each other for a while.

''I was right about you.'' He started.'' And I can see Max really fancies you.''

I looked towards Max who had eyed us suspiciously. Didn't seem like he was pleased seeing me that close to Mr. Arnold. Few seconds later he walked to where we were.

"Seems you are having a good time with Anny."

That came out more like a bad gesture compared to how calm his face was. Doing the opposite was his thing, yet I never understood how calm he could be in such situations.

"Yah! I do love her company. There is more to what she seems to be thinking of." He bragged a little bit.

Tension seemed to be engraved in both of them. As the saying " Two bulls fighting, the grass was the only thing to get hurt" In such a scenario bet you already know who the "grass" will be.

" Max it's kinda late, we should probably get going." I intervened.

"We should." He agreed.

Looks like he was kinda looking forward to getting the hell out of there. It took me as a surprise. The little time I've known him, he doesn't agree easily with anyone.

Moments later we were marching out. It was more so like sneaking . We never informed any soul of our plan. We had the perfect timing. When everyone else was busy mingling, it was our time to demonstrate our actions.

"Didn't think we would pull that off."I broke the silence once we were on our merry way down to the hallway.

" Me neither. "He added.

Suddenly, I felt my body being slammed against the wall. I ached all over.The next thing I heard was Max's voice. He was angry. Before I could digest what was happening, he was already on to something or someone.

" Max, don't. " I warned.

Even though I was a little dizzy, I managed to walk near to where he was. Several times he hit something hard. My eyes flashed when I made out the body of a person lying down, subdued by Max.

"Don't... You... Ever... Lay... Your... Hands... On... Her." He ordered.

His voice echoed down the hallway. Soon few members of the organization were out. They seem to be handling well such situations. Yet Max put up a fight.

"Max, keep it together." Mr. Arnold ordered.

"Get him out of my face before I do something worse." Max ordered.

"You have already done enough." Mr. Arnold insisted.

"Not yet, the mother_fucker slammed Anny against the fucking wall." He cursed.

Suddenly Mr. Arnold held the man by his collar. That came as a shock to everyone. The next we saw, he had already pinned the man against the wall. Didn't think he had that kind of energy considering the fact that he was old.

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