Chapter 5

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Immediately we got to work. Taking out my notebook which I had noted down everything I needed, I gave it to Gabby to be reading it to me when we arrive at the mall.

Later that day we had bought everything I needed for my work. Yah we used a large amount of money but it was for him to benefit from. Actually I had done him a favor since I know he wouldn't have gone out to buy the things needed.

"Guess this is everything." I spoke once I had packed everything in the trunk of the car.

"Ice cream."

There we go again with those puppy dog eyes of her's.

"Fine this once."

We looked around for any ice cream teller, lucky enough for us there was one. Gabby hurried up to place an order. I on the other hand got a text message from my boss.

"The hell you spent 100,000 dollars. Do you want me to get bankrupt?"

Oopsy! He already knew. That was fast.

"It's your things not mine and you said it should be perfect." I texted back.

Yap I had some nerve answering him back.

"... and she's got a mouth. One day it will get you in trouble." He texted back.

It was kinda a warning. I froze for a moment.

"Hey! Here." she handed me an ice cream.

We sat at a booth to enjoy our ice cream. Many things ran in my mind. So far I termed myself stupid. How could I of all people text him that way. I was beginning to regret that. Miss Christine clearly said he is the cold ones. How could I forget that.

"Let's go. "

Gabby's voice snapped me out of the pretty heated conversation I was having with myself.


We went back to the mansion where I started working. Gabby was there as a helping hand. I don't know what I would ever do without her.

Nightfall arrived rather early than expected. I wasn't even close to finishing up setting the decorations. We were also tired and hungry. When we had decided to go home, Lukah entered unannounced.

"I see." he spoke looking around. "Nice."

"Thanks but it's not yet done."

"Then where are you going?"


He slightly smiled then gave me his phone to read a text. I was confused about everything. My instincts alarmed me. Still I took his phone.

{Lukah, do not let her go home till she has completed all the tasks I have given her. If she is hungry feed her, thirsty give her something to drink and sleepy prepare a room for her. Got it.}

Once I read that I planted a fake smile on my cheeks. Felt like I could punch Lukah right on the face even though he wasn't the one at fault.

"Okay... Am hungry and tired."

"This way."

Lukah led the way. Looking at what was in front of us, I was hungry a million times. All the rich people delicacies laid on the dinning table.

"Is this enough?" he asked.

"Is this enough?" he asked

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