Chapter 12

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"Wow. Rich people stuffs are cool." Gabby spoke from behind me.

She was right, the place was amazing. Great view compared to the other meetings companies organized.

"Yah it's great." I agreed with her.

"As for my ladies, here is the end of my company. Enjoy and please behave. I'll go do some boys stuff." Lukah informed us.

"Hell no. Am not leaving your side for a second. Have you seen the way these hungry women are eyeing you. Not a chance pretty boy." Gabby stood her ground.

"Fine." Lukah's sigh was much more convincing that he was on the loosing end.

"You'll be fine, right?" Gabby asked directing it to me.

"Yah don't worry. Lukah don't forget to text me when the meeting is about to begin."

They both left, leaving me in a crowd of rich men and women who I had no idea about there identity. I walked around admiring everything. It must have cost you billions to get everything done correctly.

" Ma'am. "I heard a voice behind me." Care for a drink? "she offered me a glass of champagne.

Felt nice to be treated like an important person. This was my time to shine. I was so delighted by the way people admired my dress and the respect they showed me. Some of them went ahead and said I was a mystery girl. Nobody knew my name or where I live or if I was filthy rich. Guess they assumed I was rich.

I had to behave like a princess in order for what they described me was close to who I was this night. I'll have to pretend to be of a higher status just this once.

"You look gorgeous." I heard a familiar voice.

Turning round I was met by the warm smile of the unexpected person I'd never thought of meeting up with him ever again.

"Mr Bernard... Its nice to see a familiar face." I teased him.

He looked jovial today. Not like the first time I saw him. He had given me a hard time. Luckily I was in his favor.

"Drop the formalities Anny. Am so sure you would have loved to see someone else rather than me." he smiled then took a sip of what seemed like Whiskey from his glass.

"You know me well." I played tough too.

His smile turned to be a long dark smirk that I could have sworn it was quite intimidating. I slightly smiled to push away all the uneasiness I was feeling at the moment.

"Shall we the meeting is about to start." he spoke after putting back an empty glass on the nearest glass table that the hall was decorated in.

When I was about to leave with Mr Bernard, someone tapped me om my shoulder. Turning round I was amazed by how his perfect facial sight had captured my attention.

"Just a second I'd like to have a chat with you." he spoke.

I looked back at Mr Bernard who wasn't slightly pleased. His face was serious and the smile was long gone, like it was never there to begin with. He walked away without saying a word.

"Is he your companion tonight?" he asked out of the blues.

It's more like he was curious to know. The way he looked at me spoke more for itself. I eyeid him for a couple of seconds before shaking my head in disagreement.

"He's not." I finally spoke.

"That's nice." he smiled. "Shit! Where are my manners. Am Nolan Witmor." he stretched his hand towards me.

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