Chapter 26

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I felt so bad that I wanted to run away from home and escape all my problems. at first it felt so easy to plan it, but I had everything I needed. I was reluctant to go. I loved my mum, my friends, my school to top it all off my best friend, Kimberly Kint. Yah! The idea sucked but it was my only way out.

'' Where the heck are you going?'' Jackson my second brother asked.

I was reluctant to answer. Yet one way or the other I found myself lying all the way out. couple of seconds he eyed me serious, his eyes squinting. Suddenly he stepped forward then leaned close to me.

''You better hurry up or else I will sell you out.'' he spoke then walked away.

I was surprised at what he spoke. My mind raced trying to figure out what had sold me off. Few steps away from me and he stood on his tracks. my eyes watch the back of his head for the briefest second.

''Am pretty sure you want to ask what sold you away?'' he spoke still facing away from me.

''So, what did?'' I asked.

''Anny, if you really want to elope from home, which by the way I honestly would be glad if you did that, at least don't make it obvious by carrying stuff you never took your eyes on. For example, that necklace that mum gave you. Dad hates jewelry and you know it.'' with that he walked away from me.

I was so fed up with him that I wanted to run away as soon as possible. yet he managed to kill all my energy with just few hurtful words.

''By the way, better hurry up before I change my mind on keeping my mouth shut. At least till daybreak before I happily announce that the nuisance of a daughter if gone. '''He spoke proudly.

I hated the fact that I could never do something about expect to take all the humiliation and bottle them up in me. Quickly I made my way to the main door and left without looking back. there was nothing to look back at this point. The moment the cold nights breeze hit my small frame I knew then that I had gained my freedom, even though it wasn't of the right manner.

Through the dark woods past the border of our house I slowly walked wondering where I should go

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Through the dark woods past the border of our house I slowly walked wondering where I should go. Going back wasn't in my vocabulary. I then swore to myself id never go back. From now on hence forth I was on my own. Luckily, I had gained trust of some of my dad's right-hand man. He helped me with a huge sum of money to sustain me for four to five years.

Wondering the world for a year, I chose to start my life in Australia, where I met a beautiful soul in a beauty company. We both had been hired the same day thus we became companionship to each other since we knew no soul in that place.


Even though I wanted to tell him everything, I couldn't. Some things better be left unspoken. digging the so called of a past of a grave was way painful than I had prepared for. max watched me talk the entire time. he neither showed any expression nor action. he was way calm than I had ever seen him. Well, this I should be careful about it and be hopeful his silent isn't his mind planning something dangerous.

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