Chapter 37

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"She sure does sleep when everyone is in danger." I spoke while I watched her sleep.

The events at the moment were not going as planned. I had Lukah escort Gabby far away enough for her to be safe. Anny was already a handful one. I needed my mind to be clear so that I could focus 9n what to do especially when everything was not going as planned.

"Anny." I shook her a bit.

She was unconscious. I found her lying against Nano's blood near his lifeless body. At first I thought she was dead, but coming closer I saw her breath. At that time I knew how important she was. If there was a chance that I'd loose her, I'll be a goner then.

"Aah! My head." she complained.

"Careful little one." I spoke gently stroking her hair as she sat up.

"What happened?" she asked.

For a second there I was scared. Amnesia, no this couldn't be happening to me. Not her.. No! I thought to myself if then that was a risk I had to take.

"Nano. Max where is Nano? I saw... He was lying... No, Is he dead."

The moment she asked, I was so glad that she remembers. I had no way of telling her what was happening if she had forgot.

"He deserved it." I dead panned it.

All members of the Matthews, I had a deep grudge with them that only blood could pay the debts. But her... Nah! I loved her even though she was part of the Matthew legacy.

"What are you talking about? He literally helped me all this time I was here and now that dad killed him..."

"What! Your dad did that?"I cut her in.

She nodded as a tear drop escaped her eyes. I saw the pain in her. I wished everything could just end and we could be in our merry way to take her away from here forever.

" Anny, right now I need you to trust me. Can you do that? "

" Max, what are you planning to do?"

"Something bad and dangerous."

The moment I told her that, I knew there was no going back. Her eyes pinned on mine while she tried to digest what I just spoke a moment ago.

"No. Don't do anything stupid."

She held me back when I tried to stand from the couch. I return I hugged her and assured her everything will be okay. That was more like a lie to the both of us.

"Then take me with you." she begged.

"Trust me I wasn't going to let you go before everything is settled here. But I can guarantee after this you will surely hate me." I made it short and simple for her to understand.

"What are you talking about?"

I literally ignored her. Bet by now she understood the danger we were in. I hope she'll be on our side once we faced each other head on. My chances with her was fifty fifty right now. Not that I doubt her, but if things go south at least I know Mr. Matthew will go down with me. That I guaranteed myself.

We all walked away from our hiding spot once Anny had regained consciousness. I put her way close to me. Even when I gave her a gun to protect herself, she took it unwillingly. I then had to blow her cover. Already I had her background investigated the moment I knew she would be working for me.

A hurricane in disguise. That's what I came to know her. Most times she'd keep her identity a secret but not in my eyes. I knew exactly what I was dealing with.

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