Chapter 27

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" Anny can I talk to you." I heard his voice.

Both Gabby and I looked to his direction confused. We had no idea he was there. I eyed him for a couple of seconds before biding Gabby bye. He avoided eye contact with me the entire time.

I followed close by in silence

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I followed close by in silence. He led the way while holding my hand. I was surprised by how he was behaving. Not once did he hold my hand while walking.

Arriving at the suite he locked the door behind us. Quickly I rushed to pour myself a glass of water. Soon I was already seated. He watched me the entire time without uttering a word.

"How would you feel if I leave for a couple of years?" he asked his eyes fixed on the floor.

"Pardon!" that came out unexpected.

"I mean it will be a couple of years. There's something important I need to do." he spoke calmly.

"Max what the hell are you saying cause I am not following." I became alarmed.

"Stop making it a big deal. I'll be back."

"A big deal. Max we are talking about couple of years by which you have no exact date when you will be coming back." I shouted.

Sitting calmly wasn't helping. I got up and headed to the balcony. For once something good had happened in my life. Now this... I feel terrible. Am such a fool to believe I'd have a normal life with him.

" Come on Anny will you stop over reacting."

His tone, expression and posture were way off. He was starting to get annoyed with me. I stared at him not knowing what to say. Anger bubbled up in me.

"Yah am over reacting because I can't see a future without you in it."

Tears welled up in my eyes just by looking at him. He had no sympathy, no facial expression. It's like he had no feelings at all. Soon I was heading back in when he stopped me on my tracks.

" Baby girl, please don't do this to me. "he pleaded with me while holding my hands in his.

" No, Max, you don't get to decide this on your own. I won't let you. "


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