Chapter 54

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"It's best if you go home." I told him.

He looked confused and hurt too. I never wanted to hurt him but it's for the best. Besides he looked tired too.

"Let me get you off the birth control first then I'll go."

He seemed determined to get me off that. I had to agree since I didn't want him to pity me. It was now the past and I needed to move on.

"Okay." I agreed.

I led him to the inner room. I then sat at the edge of the bed revealing my inner thigh. I showed him where I had inserted the needle. He squinted his brows in anger.

"Does it hurt? " He asked slightly tracing his fingers on my skin.

"No." I had to pretend even though sometimes it hurts.

" How do we get it out?"

"We need to cut the part and retract it." I honestly answered.

"Shit!" He cursed. "Why the heck did you sort to such a method." He was furious now.

"It was the best I could do."

He went back to the kitchen came with a knife and some face towels. Heading to the bathroom he came with a basin of warm water and a disinfectant.

"You might want to bite this." He offered a hand towel that he had rolled it up.

Soon he got to business. The pain was unbearable. So much blood oozed from where he had cut. Few seconds later he got the needle out. Soon he cleaned the wind and bandaged it.

" I never want to see this with you, okay,"he warned.

This time he was dead serious. At the back of my mind, I knew I'd never do that again.

" I won't. "

He kissed my forehead and tucked me to sleep after I took some pain relievers.

" Wake up, dinner time. "I heard Jake's voice.

I opened my eyes slightly as I adjusted to the beaming lights. Soon he helped me out of bed and to the dinning table. I was starving. Couple of minutes we enjoyed the meal.

" I thought you already left. "I broke the silence.

" I wanted to but couldn't leave you in such a state. "He spoke then continued with his eating.

" So you care? "I asked eagerly waiting for his response.

" You should probably finish that? "he pointed at my half empty plate.

There he was again keeping things to himself. I had no choice but to shut up and continue eating. Soon he cleared the table and helped me back to my room.

" I have to go. "He spoke once I was tucked in bed.

" When are you coming back?" I asked with a little hope that he'd be kind enough to answer that since he always dodge my questions.

" I thought you didn't want me here. "

His voice was low yet his eyes were hard to read. I had no idea what was running round his brain.

Soon he was already gone. The past flashed in my mind as if I was watching a soap opera. I felt tears sting my eyes. As soon as they came I held them back. I was stronger than this. Slowly I was pulled into slumber land.

* * * * * * * * *

I was startled a bit when I felt arms wrapped around my body from behind while I was in bed. There it was the scent of vanilla. I loved how he smelt. It was so calming when he is around.

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