Chapter 36

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"You came in handy." I spoke while coming closer to him.

"So here is the plan..." He started totally ignoring my gesture, walked past me and went down to business.

He was dead serious about all this but yet one way or another his brave composer couldn't hide the fact that he was scared. I saw it in him when he spoke. What if everything goes south and not according to plan. He knew he'd loose me then and I bet that  wasn't a chance he was going to take.

"Anny. I Guess we still stick together."I heard Gabby's voice interrupting me from my deep thoughts.

"Anny, you stay with her. Okay ." He looked hard at me until I nodded in agreement.

"Good."he paused." Lukah you and me, the rest protect the two. "He signaled to our direction.

Lukah and Max both rushed out first. Gabby and I, we both followed after couple of minutes when the two had already left. Even though they weren't technically with us, we felt safe. By them being ahead of us was better too.

This was the epic plan to avoid much attention to our side and blend in as if we were having the night of our lives.

If we could have just barged outside then things could get uglier by the second. Our chances of survival could have been a one percent. Both Gabby and I walked as if nothing was happening.

We walked past couple of business men, who appreciated our beauty. While we on the other side had our faces paste with fake smiles and returned the gesture. This took a lot from us. Pretending knowing very well this could be the end of us.

Unfortunately, the second stair way I met couple of people who knew me

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Unfortunately, the second stair way I met couple of people who knew me. There and then I became alarmed. Now wasn't the time to be acquainted with anyone who knew me. Walking past them wasn't a brave act at all. We both ended up being stopped.

"Miss. Anny Palmer." He started. "Pleasure to see you again." He spoke his voice with a hint of joy as he took my hand and gently kissed it.

It was the kind of feeling that you plan something the hard way and it brings itself to you without even raising a finger. That's what I felt when he looked at me.

" Anny this guy gives me creep." Gabby whispered.

"Sure he does." I agreed.

"Better get him out of our way." she suggested.

"Sir pleasure is all mine but..."

"No need to be so polite. Why don't we both go see Mr. Palmer. I could really use your help." He cut me in.

He spoke while dragging me to where we had come from. Instantly Gabby became aware of the situation. Not wanting to be seen rude, she slightly grabbed his hand and shoved it away.

" Sir, you are being a bit disrespectful over here. "she spoke calmly hiding all her anger deep within her.

" And who are you?"he asked, his tone now changed from a jovial one to a more business like.

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