Chapter 15

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I woke up to the scent of lavender mixed with mint. I felt as if I was in heaven or something at least that's what I thought. Opening my eyes, the sun rays were blinding. No one was in the room. I looked around only to notice it wasn't my room. Remembering the events of yesterday was so breathtaking. I was extremely tired. My body ached a lot. I couldn't believe it was my first time. At the back of my mind I knew I enjoyed it even though it felt so illegal.

"Easy." I heard that familiar voice which whispered sweet nothing to me promising me I'd be a queen in our own world.

Being a rebellious one. Once more I tried to get out of bed but I couldn't. Seems like all my energy had been drained. Didn't see it coming, I was already pinned against the bed. There he was looking at me as if the whole world depended on me.

"Good morning my little one." he spoke giving my neck butterfly kisses leaving a trail of them.

"Good morning." I answered back looking away from him.

"Some one is shy." he slightly laughed.

I can't believe it. How is he not ashamed of what we did? Seems he loved it more than I did. I slightly pushed him away. Unfortunately his towel wrapped around his waist got off.

"Someone is eager to get a good morning round." he teased.

"Am still sore." I spoke.

He slightly smiled before putting his clothes on. All memories came flashing at me. Everything was visible through my eyes. I felt so embarrassed by how messy we were.

"Don't think too much." I heard his voice at a distance.

Looking at him he was way closer than I thought. Gently he stroke my hair, looking at my face before kissing me on my lip gently.

"Does it hurt that much?"he asked.

" Just a little. "I lied. It hurts like hell. I was burning. Moving around was the last thing in my mind.

" Anny don't lie to me I know it does. "he got me.

Soon I was on his arms, carrying me bridal style, taking me to the tab to take a warm bath. He said it helps a lot. Well it did. It was so soothing.

 It was so soothing

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" Anny wake up. "

Didn't notice I was already asleep. Opening my eyes, I was met by the best eyes I've ever seen. His eyes dug in mine for a couple of minutes before he actually broke our contact.

"What was that for?" I was shocked.

He has never backed out from anything, now it feels like he is shy. Maybe am just over thinking. Anyway let me just over think cause I can swear I saw him blush.

"Mr Maximilian Jones, are you blushing?" I asked while laughing.

" What! Hell no." he pretended on being serious now. "Am just thinking of way to sex you the next time." he lied about too.

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