Chapter 51

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"You are wet." He stated between his explanation.

"No." I disagreed with him.

"Love, don't make me check."

Something tells me he was bold enough to do that yet I found myself daring him to when I said he didn't have the balls to do so.

Suddenly he pinned me to the couch. Took his tie off and tied my hands against the coffee table that was near the arms rest of the couch.

I felt his hands make way to my laced thong near my heat.

"Sir what are you doing?" I asked shocked.

"Proving you wrong." He stated.

His finger landed on my heat. His eyes never leaving mine. Gently he rubbed circles creating pleasure.

"Fuck, love, you are wet."

"Please... Daddy..." I begged.

He paused and watched me as my breathing became messy

"Yes am your daddy. So no more daddies for you."

He got a little aggressive just enough to make me moan. He slide a finger in. Seconds later he trusted in and out then added the second and third. It was too much for me.

"You like it." He asked coming closer.

"Yes..." I moaned.

Immediately his lips met my bare skin of the neck region. He kissed it so good that I moaned in unison to his rhythm. Working miracles both on my neck and entrance, I couldn't take it. Suddenly the ball raptured and my juices spilled on his hand.

"There she goes." He spoke proudly.

He then landed on my entrance using his mouth. He sucked me clean. Couple of minutes I had laid on his chest as he toyed with my hair.

"Let me drive you home." He spoke out of the blues.

"I can manage." I whispered.

"I don't take a no for a answer."

Being defeated I agreed to him taking me to my place. I less than five, we were walking down the stairs. I felt eyes land on me.

Others asked, "Who is she?"

Their replies," Just some whore. "

Others disagreed," No he only settles for the best. "

My mind flashed in blur when I realized all eyes were on me. Some pleased some disgusted others hard to read.

" Sir you are leaving so soon? "the attendant who had served me asked him.

" Yah! I need to take my lady home. "He stated his face hard to read.

" Am sorry Mis I had no idea you were his. Apologies for treating you... "she dragged.

" You treated her poorly. "He interrupted her.

" No it's okay. She was the best. "I chipped in.

" Since you praised her. Consider her allowance doubled and she is now the boss of other attendees. "

" Thank you sir. "she was happy.

" Thank her. "He spoke walking away.

" Thank you Mis I'll always remember you. "she was grateful.

I finally catch up with him when he was already outside the main entrance waiting for me.

" Took you long enough. "

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