Chapter 42

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"Feels good to be home." He spoke happily.

I relaxed on the couch as Gabby went to prepare a light meal for us. While I was busy watch TV, Max got a call from work. Judging by his face he did not like what he was hearing one bit. My eyes were glued on him trying to figure out what was happening.

"Fine I'll be there." He finally ended the call.

"Going somewhere?" I ask while sitting up.

"Don't worry about it." He spoke while helping me.

"How long?" I just had to ask.

Such calls always raises my instincts and the next thing he is gone for a month or two. Now I was being in the same situation as the past.

" I have no idea." He honestly answered.

"I just hope that you will be here when our baby is born."

"I'll be there when baby Tasha decides to join us." He gentle hugged me while placing his palm on my belly.

I really wished that what he said is true. Better make the most while he is still  here.

"Come eat." Gabby shouted in the dining room.

Max helped me to the dinning room while Gabby served. The rest of the evening passed rather fast. Max had loads of work thus he excused himself. Both Gabby and Lukah returned to their room leaving me bored.

An hour down the line, I tried to watch a movie but I couldn't. I rushed to Max's office after making up my mind. As I was about to knock on his office door, I heard a slight creaking noise and the door was open.

"Anny, I thought you had already slept."

"Not yet. I actually thought I could help with something."

For a couple of seconds he looked at me and shook his head in disagreement.

"You need rest. I'll get you to bed."he offered.

" Am not sleepy yet. "

He looked at his wrist watch for a moment then back to me.

" It's already past your bed schedule. You usually sleep at 10pm and that hasn't changed for the past 5 months. "He stated.

Now I was super on edge. I needed more time with him before he goes. I've been thinking so much about how I'd be all alone without him. Yah, I know Lukah and Gabby will take care of me, but I want him all to myself.

" Am not sleepy yet. "I defended myself.

" Stop working yourself out. "

He later escorted me back to my room and tucked me in bed. As soon as he was about to leave I grabbed his hand.

" Anny, I can't stay. "He politely whispered, his face calm.

" I know, just few minutes more till I fall asleep. "I begged.

He agreed to it. I was happy though it was for a short period of time. He slept beside me on the outside of the duvet. Better this than not feeling him. Soon I was already dozing off. I tried to stay awake but I couldn't keep up. I was tired beyond doubt.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Anny, wake up." I heard his voice.

I struggled to open my eyes. This only meant it wasn't my usual time to wake up.

"What is it?" I asked in a sleepy voice as I turned to face him.

"I need your help."

My eyes were wide open the moment I digested the words. I made out his facial features. He seemed tired. Has he been on the whole time working?

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