Chapter 28

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He sure does sleep soundly when he's going through shitty stuff. Couple of minutes I watched him sleep admiring his facial curves. I was in deep thoughts that I didn't notice he was already awake.

"That feels nice." He spoke then went back to sleep.

Gently I stroked his hair calming him while asleep. I have never seen him this peaceful and I'd be glad that it stays this way till forever.

Couple of hours later he woke up looking great. Well not that great. I was unable to sleep that much hence deciding to pay games with my phone was all I can do.

"You're still up?" I heard his voice behind me.


He came closer, took my phone, placed it on the chest drawer and held me from behind. His hands made way to my tummy and up my breasts. Slowly and gently he started caressing them creating the best feeling in me. He was still grumpy due to the fact that he just woke up couple of minutes again.

"Let's go take a shower."

I nodded and followed him.

He made everything great. Even taking showers now became my favorite hobby. I was happy to be with him because he made me happy. In the showers we took turns. He scrubbed me first and I did the same to him.

'' What is this?'' I asked pointing at the scar on his back.

I have never seen that before. By the looks of it, I might judge and say it was a wound from years back. Even though it had healed, the scar was visible. He turned around and stared at me for the briefest seconds and slightly smiled.

''I was shot.'' he stated before leading me out the door.

''Do you want to talk about it?'' I asked curiously knowing very well his answer would be a no.

''I rather not talk about it.'' He spoke handing me a towel. ''

Soon we were both dressed in warm clothes.

"Then what about smoking. When did you start?" I asked.

"Mmm! Let's say five years now it kinda became a bad behavioral way to get my mind off things." He answered honestly.

"So you got stressed when I asked if you loved me."

I had to ask. Why was it hard for him to answer that. I mean I love him, I do. Plus I'd even scream for the world to know. Yet on the other hand he can't say it back.


He came and held me closer to him. For a while we stayed quiet before he kissed me while assuring me with his actions that I was special to him.

"Tomorrow can I send you home first?"he asked his eyes closed.

This alarmed me yet I didn't want to show it. Thinking of ways to come clean and not seemed tense was a hard one. I was quiet for a while.

" You know you can just stay with me if you don't want to go. But Lukah and Gabby have to go ahead."

"I don't want to." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

He slightly smirked as his eyes opened up a bit.

"Maybe am going to man slaughter. You still want to come with me?"

That was rather intimidating. I peruse a challenge when it comes my way. So yah I was so in for that.

"Scare me and that only makes me want to follow you everywhere."

We both retired to sleep after our little chit chat.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Come on Anny. Wake the hell up." I heard Gabby's voice.

"Seriously can't I have a good sleep without you having to tear my eardrums each morning?" I asked shoving her off the bed.

"What!" I became alarmed by the looks of her worried eyes.

"It's Max. He's gone."

The moment her words made that statement I knew I was a goner. My chest hurt like hell. I was short of breath. My eyes were wide open not able to believe what I had heard. For real I hoped for it to be a bad joke. I saw Lukah besides her.

' Everything will be well as long as he is here.' I kept telling myself that.

Suddenly I felt my body numb. I couldn't move. My eyes were shut and it was way hard to open them. I tried but I only ended tiring myself. My hands were cold too.

Everything seemed as if it was just an illusion. I heard Gabby's voice. She was trembling. I didn't know why but it was as if something bad was happening.

" Open your mouth." I heard her voice from afar as it started to ring.

Something warm touched my hand. Felt nice too. I was scared yet I felt a sense of belonging. Hard enough I tried to open my mouth. Suddenly something hard was put in my mouth. I was confused to the core.

" Relax. "

I felt a hand brush through my hair then darkness took control and covered my judgment.

Hi guys sorry for the late update. I've been having trouble with this chapter expressing the feelings was way kind of hard for me.

It's a Short chapter please bare with me.

Feel free to recommend what I should add in this chapter based on the story.

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