Chapter 33

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Maximillian POV

''You bastard, is this the time you decide on showing up?'' Gabby came shouting at me the moment she saw me.

She literally was trying to dismantle me with her nails. I had no say in that. I expected the same or worse from her. Knowing very well I had let down her friend the love of my life. I wished so much that i had never chickened out on our deal. This has been eating me out since the day I decided to walk out on her that night.

''I wish I had never agreed to her falling for you.'' She stated.

Worse feeling of all was hearing her say that. She is just a friend yet she felt the same way. What about her?what was she feeling at the moment? Does she hate me the same way her best friend hate my guts.

Coming was out of the question, but when Lukah and Jerald had informed me what Gabby told them i couldn't delay any longer. I rushed back to London with the hope that they were pranking me and it was some silly joke that Anny had concocted for it to bring me back.

But Alas! It was the truth. My actions made her to be taken away from me. This was all my fault.

''You...'' she started.

''Babe, no. You are making it hard for him.'' Lukah got her in check.

He was right this was already hard for me than I ever Imagined.

''Here.'' She gave me a book.

''Right now Gabby, am in no moods for reading a book.'' I defended myself.

''Max, that's Anny's diary. You should probably read it.'' Lukah insisted I should read it.

I wasn't authorized to read it, but if it could give me a clue of what's happening then I'd come up with a better plan to have my girl back. Both Lukah and Gabby left me with Jerald in my suite. He insisted I should let him stay with me. I had no time to argue at the moment.

What I read kind of sparked my bomb of anger and it went up in flames. She wrote about her life experience with the Matthew's, her supposed family. I got really angry each time I read of how she was mistreated, beaten and locked up due to the fact she wasn't stronger than her brothers. I hated her entire family at the same time I detested my self for leading her back into such a situation.

''Sir, what do you think we should do concerning this?'' Jerald asked.

At the moment I had nothing to say. My mind was foggy and I could not comprehend what I should do. Matthew suggested we should first search on the whereabouts of the Matthew and know what we will be dealing with. That was a good start. I was so impatient that day and night I was working out on where the Matthew's resident was.

''Max.'' Lukah called.

I rushed to where he was working on, behind the computer for a couple of days. This was the first day of the second week since we have been searching. Any news was better than no news at all.

''I kind of hacked to Anny's device and I found this, but this is a hard one to crack.''

He turned the screen to my side where Jerald and I stood. The coordination was a complicated one. I had no idea what it was all about but it seemed familiar to me.

''This is one of Anny's code methods. '' I aired out my thoughts.

''Has she ever showed you how to crack it?'' Lukah asked.

I slightly shook my head in disagreement. It was just for a brief time that she brought it and she never brought it again. I wished back then I had paid more attention to her maybe I would have known her way of thinking. This came back to me blaming myself for everything. I went ahead and dropped dead in bed trying to figure out what I had missed. One week down the line and I still had no clue to where Anny could possibly be.

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