Chapter 32

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"The heck you just had to." I bit my teeth while looking at his direction.

Jackson Matthew was always a lap dog for my dad. Amongst the six of us he is always the beloved one. Due to the fact he follows orders like a dog has earned him the title of watching over the rest even though he is technically the third son of my dad.

Unfortunately our first brother died in a mission to defend the honor of Matthew's family. Jackson has been the leading one thus earning him favors from our dad.

Truth be told he has never failed any missions assigned to him. He rather let everyone done rather than his father. To him he cherishes wealth and power most.

"Are you scared that your little daughter will out shine you." I found defending myself.

Anger had already bubbled up in me. Bet Jackson had spewed every little detail by our encounter. On the other hand dad eyed me for a couple of seconds before he laughed out loud. This rather took me by surprise. I didn't know what to do or how to behave at the precise time. I was loosing my cool.

"Relax." Nano whispered to eased me a bit.

"Thanks to you my daughter, I have the perfect plan for the future. You have already made everything easier for me. Your little boyfriend would never resist the urge to pay us a visit knowing very well I have you in my custody." He spoke clear enough for me to hear every single sentence.

" What are you planning to do? "I asked confused.

" Nothing to worry your little head over this." He stated.

I watched him smile as he whispered something to Luke Benjamin my fourth brother. He has been one who loves traveling all over. He's barely at home.

We can say he is the exact copy of my dad. Silent yet dangerous when he speak. Am usually afraid of him even though he is down in the hierarchy of family members.

He had his eyes on me the entire time while dad spoke to him. This was starting to alarm me and my instinct kicked in. What was all this about? That I had no answer to it.

Later dad excused all of us. My mum was silent the entire time. Her say in all this was like wind heard but not kept into consideration.

"Annah, you with me." I heard Benjamin's voice call me.

"Now is this the part where I ran or what?" I I whispered to Nano who I had squeeze his hand beyond doubt he was in pain.

"Trust me."

That's all he manage to say to me before making me release his hand and getting up. I watched him walked away from the main hall and disappeared through the door.

"Hurry up I don't have all day." I felt a pat on my shoulder.

This brought me back to the actual world. There he was Luke Benjamin Matthew the fourth. Standing behind me. His large frame hiding me from the blinding sun rays that penetrated through the glass windows.

" Coming."I spoke in a low tone while I stood from where I sat.

This guy is worse than I thought. He didn't bulge even as I got up. We were so close that I could almost smell his breath. Kind of felt insure for the moment. I stepped away.

" No wonder dad usually picks on you. You are so Insecure. Anyways don't worry am nothing like him." He walked away shaking his head.

"You are exactly like him. Have you seen your nose. You both have the same shape of nose." I spoke as I followed him close behind.

I could have sworn I heard him laugh at my gesture. Thus was new. We rarely laugh in this house. Everyone is afraid of dad.

" You are one funny girl. "He spoke once we had arrived at his car.

" Where are you taking me? "I asked.

I had no intention of getting out of the house. Yet here I am being led out. Was dad testing me? I mean this wouldn't be a surprise. He knew I wanted so bad to never be part of this family. This was a tempting period. He calculated well. Being with Benjamin meant I wouldn't run away. I mean the guy is even stronger than dad. Both train day in day out. Their fighting power are at per.

"Are you coming or what!"I heard his voice.

It was neither a command nor an order. Felt like a plead to me. He was already seated at the drivers side. I went straight for the back seat, didn't want to be anywhere near him. Better be on guard.

" Little one, do I look like your driver?"he asked.

That alone brought back memories of Max. He tends to call me that even when we are in those important meetings of his. There an then I opened door to the passengers seat. He slightly smiled looking at me. Felt creepy though.

" Seat belt. "

I totally forgot about that. Due to the fact that I was scared, I tend to be clumsy. Severally I tried to pull out the seat belt but it was stuck. Suddenly he came closer to my side and helped me. His hand slowly brushed past me.

My insides felt as if they were being turned to the outside. I watched as he buckled me up. Couple of seconds he stared at me. For a brief moment I admired him. He looked more like dad compared to the old age.

"Are you done?"he asked. That really got me off guard.

" What! "I looked away from him as he sat back straight in his seat and roared the engine.

" I don't know if it's me or... There is just something about you that I can't get hold of it. "He confessed.

I watched him as he drove us away from the mansion. From once I was happy being out but I knew it would stay for a couple of minutes before I had to go back in. Better enjoy this time. It's worth it.

Wassup my people....
I know this chapter is short... But hey it's worth it... 😊 Right
So far so good thank you so much for reaching this far with me
I owe you one....
Love yah all...

Spoiler alert ‼️‼️‼️‼️
Nothing is going on between Benjamin and Anny it's all part of bringing out how attractive Benjamin can be that even his blood can't resist.... 😊

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