Chapter 40

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"Max, walk with me." I called to him once he was with us.

"About earlier..." I started. "I didn't want to get all worked up over it."

"Well you already did." He chirped in.

"Am being serious. Sorry I got frustrated just a bit."

"You call that a bit. I was beginning to think I'll be a goner. You made my men mock me when I got scared of your actions." He teased.

I slightly smiled.

"Yah! They should know whose boss." I teased walking ahead of him as his men walked closely behind us.

"Walk slowly. I don't want you falling." He warned.

There I was little me, walking slowly clinging to Max's arm while we walk. Suddenly Gabby came and grabbed me away from Max. I heard him growl in disappointment guess he was starting to get comfortable holding my belly while we walk. Anyways that was his child too. It's just that I get longer time to be with Tasha Jones compared to his dad.

"See you later, big guy." I whispered before Gabby could separate me from him.

He nodded in agreement. Both him and Lukah walked behind us as we roamed around. I almost forgot that I was pregnant. Not until Tasha kicked than I remember I was a pregnant woman.

" Gabby, take a rest." she was more excited compared to me.

We both got into one of the stalls and enquired for newly born baby clothes.

We both got into one of the stalls and enquired for newly born baby clothes

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All were so tiny and cute too. I fell in love with a certain one. Imagining our little Tasha wearing it. I spaced out for a second. Suddenly I felt arms wrapped around me from the back to my stomach. This got me off my day dream.

"You like that?" Max whispered in my ear.

"Yah! It's cute." I answered.

"Not the cloth. I mean me sneaking up on you from behind. You gasped when you felt me touching you."

"The fact that you my dear are so close to me kind of messes me up. So... Yah! I like when you sneak up on me."I spoke turning to face him.

" You okay!"he was concerned when he saw me twitching my eye brows.

" It's nothing.The baby just kicked. "I informed him.

" Hey, little one. Don't kick mummy so hard. Okay. "He spoke while squatting as he kissed my belly.

" Let's get done with this, am a little tired. "

" Okay. " Max agreed.

Evening went by quickly. We bought all kinds of stuff that the baby might need during delivery and even the days to come. This was fun. Just being here with him was enough to light the day.

" Done?"I asked once he had paid.

His men helped carry the bags while Max walked with me back to the car.

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