Chapter 48

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"Thought you'd be hungry." I spoke while laying down the platter of food on a coffee table.

I went closer to where he had laid and watched him for a bit. His eyes met mine for a second there but he broke the contact.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked while aligning my eyes with his on top of him.

He tried so hard to keep his cool, yet his eyes and breathing gave him way.

"I wasn't angry. I was simply disappointed by you not telling me your plans."

I took his arms and wrapped them around me to my back as I made my way slowly towards him.

"I didn't mean to."

"You still did it." He cut me in.

Being unable win him by talk I went down to seduction method. Gently I made contact with my lips on his as I kissed him. At first he didn't reciprocated but later he came around. His grip tightened on me while he went deeper with our kiss.

"Are you still angry?"I asked between our kiss.

" Just a little bit. "He jokingly spoke before shushing me up.

He wanted to enjoy the moment especially when I was the one who initiated the whole thing. We spend the night together. Mostly talking about the future us with baby Tasha. He had some really good plans for the both of us including Tasha. He said she was his pride and joy.

A week passed with Luther being our guest. He spent couple of hours playing with Tasha. The two seems to be getting a long pretty well. Even when Luther was about to leave Tasha cried an entire hour. She came around the next day and continued with her normal baby routine. Playing, eating, crying and sleeping.

We all had so much fun together

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We all had so much fun together. Especially me. Max was all supportive and did his daddy duties well. Gabby and I both made Lukah and Max go with us shopping since they wouldn't let let us out of the house. The days were better for all of us.

Few moths went by rather fast

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Few moths went by rather fast. Gabby's due dates were up. That day Lukah was so stressed up when I gave him a call informing him Gabby's water broke. Both Max and Lukah met us at the hospital. Luckily she gave birth normally without any difficulty unlike me.

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