Chapter 29

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Slightly I shifted. The harsh smell of aesthetic hit my nostrils entering my lugs making me to slightly cough. Slowly I opened my eyes. The bright sun rays hit my eyes to the brim of blinding me. I had no idea where I was. Everything was white and blue. For a couple of seconds there I thought I was already in heaven.

'' How are you feeling Mrs

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'' How are you feeling Mrs. Jones?'' A middle-aged doctor came to the direction of my side, near the bed.

'' I feel okay.'' I answered in a sore voice looking around.

'' You are clearly not okay. Earlier you suffered from a severe seizure.'' He informed me.

No wonder I was confused when Gab told me to open my mouth. Everything felt wild at that time.
The moment his words left his mouth I felt as if the world had begun trembling beneath me. He had that hard look fixed on me. For a couple of seconds, he watched me not uttering a word.

''Where is Mr Jones. I haven't seen him here since you got admitted.''

I felt kind of betrayed at the moment. He promised we'd stay together and work everything out. All that talk was for nothing. I tried, I really tried to fit in his world but in the end, he saw I wasn't worth it.

"He went on a business trip." I lied knowing very well that wasn't the real deal.

"Oh! Then call him soon this is an emergency. We need his approval on something." He informed me.

"Emergency?" I asked surprised.

"Yes. You are two weeks pregnant and we can't issue an immediate treatment without his consent." He spoke perusing papers in the file he had.

The moment he spoke, my heart started to beat fast. Never in my wildest dreams have I ever dreamt about something like this. Yah! I had thought about carrying his child but not in such a situation.

Was I supposed to be happy? That's what I kept asking myself. I had no idea. I was confused beyond doubt. He clearly explained to me why it was an emergency. Soon he was walking out before eyeing me. He slightly smiled then shut the door.

"Anny, how are you feeling?" Gab asked while rushing in.

'' Not so great .'' I honestly spoke as a tear drop rolled down my cheek.

'' Hey! What did the Doc say?''

'' Gab am two weeks pregnant.'' I stated.

Her eyes widened as she watched me in awe. Yap! That didn't help at all. In fact it only made me feel worse. I cried loudly. How was I supposed to go on living, when the person I had hoped to be my future is nowhere to be found. Couple of minutes I was still crying. This was supposed to be a joyful day yet here I was crying in pain and not in joy.

''Gab...Promise me...You won't tell Lukah about this.'' I spoke within sobs.

''Anny, you know this wont remain a secret forever, right? Initially your belly will grow sooner or later.''

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