Chapter 8

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"Sir it's Mis Anny Palmer." He answered him.

One way or another I had a feeling I was in deep shit than I thought. He eyed me before taking a step closer to me.

"Congratulations Mis Anny you are fired." he whispered in my ear.

What the hell! Was he my boss

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What the hell! Was he my boss. On! No! I totally screwed this up. If I had hold my anger back then maybe...

Fuck! with the 'if' term.

"Doesn't matter." I spoke when he was about to leave. "I won't take it back. Plus I meant everything I said." I stood my ground.

"Mmmh! Feisty type. Consider your contract on." with that he left me standing there confused.

"Now you are in deep shit." Lukah looked at me in pity. "I expected him to fire you immediately." he continued.

"He did. Still I got to keep my job after all."

"Am sure he has something dirty cooking in his sleeves." Lukah added.

"We will see about that."

The party was over and everyone was already gone except for the staff members. It was a success and a failure at the same time. Creating an enemy from a powerful man wasn't how I expected the night to go.

" Anny trust me when I say that you do not want to be on his bad side." Lukah looked at me.

I didn't mean to but the guy stirred up some of my calm waters and I lost it. Never intended to talk back but he needed someone to put him in his place.

"Remember be good when you are near him or else you'll end up being his play doll." He advised me.

We arrived at the mansion safely. All I ever wanted to do was go in take Gabby and take our leave. I was pretty sure my boss was in since he had took his leave earlier.

" So are you heading home? "Lukah asked.

" Yah! I prefer not being on his way. I'll just wait till he is gone. "

" So much for being a nanny, Mis Anny. "He paused. "Good news I won't be going anywhere. Am done with all my meetings. "he spoke while looking at me.

I came into view with his hard to read face. He stared deep in my eyes never uttering a word. Miss Christine was all along right about him.

" Your friend is already asleep. We have the whole night to ourselves don't we? "he asked.

I watched him walk away. Lukah wished me luck before saying good night. Well I only have myself to blame. If not for my big mouth now I would be at home sleeping instead I was going to keep an enemy company.

" That was fast for your tiny legs." he made a dirty joke.

Knowing my place well I didn't argue about that. I swallowed my pride.

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