Garou Origin Story

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I want you guys to know, that even if this is a different universe things similar to this have been happening for a while, and are still happening. This is Garou's origin story.

Iida: Still! There is no reason he has to be a villain!

Toga and Dabi looked at Iida in disgust.

Uraraka: Y-yeah, being a villain is a choice!

Nezu: I disagree, Iida and Uraraka, you still have much to learn.

They were about to protest but the video started.

The scene opens up to show a younger Garou being laughed at.

"But Crab Demon almost had him... When Mach Woman and Little Justice joined in, it was a three vs. one, but he still didn't give up! It was so cool!"

Nezu: I assume Crab Demon is a villain?

Hizashi: Mach Woman and Little Justice, not that cool of a name.

It shows flickering shadows of other kids listening to Garou.

"Crab Demon was only trying to stop ocean pollution. And he was fighting all by himself. I feel so sorry for him".

Nezu: Garou is sympathizing with a villain, it seems this Crab Demon had a noble cause.

Bakugo: You shouldn't feel sympathy for villains! Crab Demon was a villain, that's the end of it!

All For One: A noble conviction and the villain was stopped by heroes. How pathetic.

Deku: T-that's not true! While the conviction may have been good, Crab Demon is a villain, and probably caused a lot of damage!

The scene changes to show the other students talking about heroes.

"Did you see Justice Man yesterday?", a kid asks.

Hizashi: Justice Man? That's another bad name.

Bakugo: Who the hell names himself 'Justice Man?'

'At least it's better than King Explosion Murder', many people thought.

"He finally used a new attack: Justice Fire Kick!", another kid responds.

"Yeah, it was so cool!".

The scene changes again.

"Bum-ba-bom! Justice Man is here!".

The kid jumps off the bar.

"Justice Man Kick!".

The kid kicks another kid in the shoulder, making him scream in pain.

Kirishima: That's not manly!

Deku froze... that brought up memories.

Uraraka: W-why did he do that?

Iida: Not befitting of a student!

All For One: And it begins. Watch heroes, as your perspective shatters.

It shows older Garou watching them.

Many of the girls blushed at Garou's bare chest, with Midnight being shameless looking him up and down.

"The hell is this? Am I seeing my life flash before my eyes?".

All For One: Ah, I know what he is going through. He's going through something similar to a quirk awakening.

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