When Day Breaks pt.1

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A/N: This video is a long one so it may be split into multiple chapters

"We are going back into the SCP universe".

"Huh, guess we'll finally see something new", Izuku said.

"Oooh I wonder what SCP it's gonna be? Does it have blood?", Toga asked.

The screen turned on before anyone could bombard the voice with questions.

"Hello? Can anyone... can you hear me? Please... this is agent Mosley at site 14. Is anyone there? What the fuck do we do?", a voice starts to speak.

"Can anyone contact control or the 05? Is anyone still alive? We are stuck in site 14. They're talking through our speakers. I can hear them on the radios and on the computers and I can hear them right now. Shut up shut up. Oh my god. Please please can anyone hear me? Are we all that's left?".

"Are we all that's left? Did humans go through some sort of extinction?", Izuku wondered.

"Extinction...", Nezu hadn't thought about that word in a long time.

"Poor guy/I mean, he can do whatever he wants now!", Twice said.

"Them? Are they creatures that kill people? They must be intelligent in order to use a radio", Aizawa said.

"I don't know if anyone can hear us anymore. But if you can, some words of advice. Stay out of the sunlight."

"Sunlight? How could someone be so fearful of the sun?", Uraraka asked.

"Unless the sunlight is killing everyone. Think about it, something that can reach all humans has seemingly killed an unknown amount of humans. If people weren't aware at first... my god, billions could've died", Nezu realized.

That set the tone for this SCP. It obviously had something to do with the sun, but what was so dangerous about it? Perhaps UV radiation?

SCP 001
When Day Breaks

"When Day Breaks... yes, it has something to do with the sun".

"001? Like the first ever SCP recorded? That doesn't make sense, though. There were so many other creatures in that other video", Izuku thought.

You find the access tunnel, hidden within a natural cave a mile off the main road.

You don't need the keycard. The door is ajar.

It smells here. It smells like them. Hopefully, they've moved on. You've come so far already. You can't turn back now.

"Them? I assume it's the beings from earlier", Momo said.

"We still have yet to get a description of it".

There is a slick trail that leads from the cave entrance and into the depths of the site. If it's blood or shit - or something that smeared off one of those things, you cannot tell. You make a point to avoid it.

"Ew, that's nasty. Who wants to lick blood and poop smears?", Toga complained.

"Only you think of that", Dabi thought.

You're still receiving the distress signal. It only started broadcasting yesterday. Whoever it is - you pray they're still alive.

Your footsteps echo throughout empty corridors. Each footfall sounds for all the world like a dozen, as if you're not treading through the dark alone.

Elevator is down - so you take the stairs, ending on floor B5: Keter Holding. You pass several empty containment chambers. The horrors they once held are long gone.

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