In The Pines (SCP)

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A/N: You may be wondering why the video isn't available. Let's just say, Lord Bung embodies everything wrong with the modern SCP community. I will not explain what happened, if I did this story would get a really mature rating.

We are getting into a new multiverse.

That piqued everyone's interest, what could this possibly be?

"Is it magic?", Kaminari asked.

"No, it is definitely a universe with countless dark forces, desiring for darkness to befall upon the world and consume us whole", Tokoyami says.

His quirk comes out and just looks at him.

"You're being really confusing, dude".

Tokoyami is right, but it is a multiverse with more dangerous beings than you can imagine.

"So we can be expecting... eldritch horrors or something like that?", All For One asked.

Yes, it is a vast multiverse and you won't understand it fully right away, I will give you a few videos as an introduction.

Also, a song is playing over it because why not, it's my fanfiction and I can choose whatever video I want.

"Fanfiction?", Deku asked.

In an instant, everyone forgot about what the voice just said, except the music part.

Alright, let's get started.


A corridor shows a silhouette of a beast, one that isn't normal at all.

"What the hell is that?/It's obviously a reptile!"

"W-what kind of animal is that? Is it even an animal?".

The other corner shows some sort of spider monster with a skull as its head.

"That's just disturbing", Aizawa said.

"I guess we can see what kind of multiverse this will be, *kero*".

Then, it shows a tall figure with a large open mouth along with an angel-shaped figure with a triangle above it.

"Some sort of tall humanoid figure, and an angel?", Nezu asked.

"I never thought I'd see an angel", All Might said in disbelief.

Another figure flashes, this time made out of some geometric shapes, and finally, a humanoid with an entire arm ripped off.

Hey girl, hey girl

It shows a man in an orange jumpsuit, with some sort of clockwork making up half of his face and neck, the gears are twisting and turning.

"That's some extreme mutation!", Deku exclaimed.

"That looks very uncomfortable", Momo said.

Don't lie to me

Two flesh creatures swing at each other, with the first one pouncing on the second one.

"WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THAT?", Bakugo exclaimed.

Tell me where did you sleep

Clothes are shown in the middle of a cave, but instead of a human under it, it is a bunch of red crystals.

last night

The crystals briefly flash red.

In the pines, in the pines

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