ACT II FINALE (pt 1): Insurrection

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A/N: In my AU, students can visit their parents only 2 times a week. However, hero patrol is slightly increased around their area to prevent kidnappings of the parents and also attacks on the students.

Izuku's phone vibrated on his nightstand. He groaned and flipped over to grab it.

"Who texts me this late?".

Turning on his phone, he opened his texts and saw a message from an unknown number.


"Spam? I thought no one gets that anymore".

Spam had died out a long time ago with the advent of heroes and villains. Why try to scam people on their phone when you can just use your quirk?


Izuku sighed and was about to tap the block button. Before he could, the phone was forced into a video call.

"What the-".

"The flicker of the TV illuminated his bedroom, drowning out the darkness with his favorite All Might cartoons. Do you remember my face?".

A familiar face appeared on the hooded figure's distorted face. Izuku wanted to talk or at least throw the phone away, but his body couldn't move. His fingers turned slightly yellow from how hard he was gripping his phone.

The face though, it looked so familiar yet he couldn't put his finger on it. The face had red eyes with snow white hair.

"With contorted flesh and broken bones, I made myself known", a flash of the intruder's face from the theater screen appears on its face.

"Do you remember my touch? I cradled him in my arms, my sweet boy. I took him away. Do you remember that night, Midoriya?".

"When you stare in the mirror, you see the same monsters from the theater screen.", the alternate's face from earlier appears right next to the intruder.

"Your skin is not your own. You're not the real you-".

One For All activated and Izuku crushed his phone between his fingers.

Unimaginable pain shot through him as he screamed. He heard someone run to his room.

"Izuku?!", his mother yelled.

The pain intensified as he screamed louder. Inko burst through the door and saw Izuku squirming on the bed.

"What's wrong?!".

"M-mom... stay away..."

His arms elongated, his eyes rolled unnaturally. The sound of snaps could be heard all around his body as his bones broke and reformed.

Inko screamed, but it was cut short. Izuku felt like he couldn't control himself.

The sound of blood dripping on the floor was the only thing that could be heard. He looked in horror as his hand impaled Inko.

"I-Izuku...", she muttered.

It was quiet. Until the TV turned on.

"Do you understand that you are not the child you replaced?".


All For One saw many invisible figures with his infrared vision. They were all staring at him.

He whistled idly, watching as the Tartarus guards were killed and then replaced with an alternate.

"You all work with frightening efficiency, how many guards does that make it now? 50 replaced?", All For One spoke out loud.

The alarm sounded as an alternate broke through the glass and approached All For One, preparing to kill him.

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