Mandela Catalogue vol. 1

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A/N: Some parts will be skipped through (car drive) and THINK because they already reacted to that.

Tsuyu knocked on the door and her mom greeted her. She was still deeply disturbed at what the video showed.

"Big sis!", her younger siblings charged at her.

"What's going on? *kero*".

"Who knows? They've been super excited today", her mother responded.

The world around her flickered, and she recognized what was happening.


Everyone appeared back in the theatre, but a sense of unease had been going through everyone's minds, even All For One.

He had seen something with his infrared vision. He knew it was about to kill him, but some entity intervened and obliterated the person.

"I should ask the voice about this".


The screen turned on to show two pictures. They were titled victim 1 and victim 2.

"I don't like where this is going", Izuku said.

"I assume these are victims of the alternates", said Nezu.

It disappeared and showed their names. To the right was Mark Heathcliff and to the left was Cesar Torres.

CT: Hey it's Cesar. I hope it's not too late

MH: No it's fine, don't worry. What's up? Are you all right?

CT: Yeah. It's not me, it's my mom. She's knocked out cold and I have no idea why. I'm on my way to the ER, but could you do me a favor?

"Knocked out cold? Is it the alternate?", Present Mic asked.

"But this labels them as victims."

MH: Yeah of course, what is it?

CT: I just need you to come over and turn on the cameras we have set up. You know the ones we installed after we were robbed?

MH: Oh, yeah. Would you mind if I asked why?

CT: Well she screamed really loud before I found her on the ground. I just...

MH: Do you have your doors and windows locked, like what the broadcast told us to do?

"So they've all seen the broadcast. What about the tampered one?".

"I think the tampered one only affected one tape, so authorities may have shown the actual tape", Nezu replied.

CT: Yeah, that's the weird part. Maybe she saw something? I don't know.

MH: Alright, I mean it shouldn't be too bad. I'm just going to switch them on and get out of there though. You know how I feel about your house.

CT: Yeah that's fine. One last thing, try to get a good view of the back hallway if you don't mind. 

"That's a bit suspicious, does he think whatever knocked out his mom came from the back door or something else?", Aizawa said.

MH: Okay.

CT: Alright I got to go, I'm almost at the hospital. Thank you.

The footage showed Mark in his car, driving to Cesar's house.

The cameras turned on, and it showed the staircase to the basement. Then the outside, and then the door to the bedroom. 

Kaminari fell asleep.

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