Chapter 1 - Thor

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Dahlia stands at the bottom of the steps leading to Odin's throne. Sif stands on the step above her, resting her hand on her shoulder. Dahlia listens to the crowd grow louder, no doubt because Thor had finally entered.

"Oh, please." Sif says, rolling her eyes.

"Is he showing off?" Dahlia asks, looking in her friend's direction.

"Of course he is." She answers, chuckling quietly. Dahlia shakes her head, listening for the crowd to quiet. 

Thor reaches the bottom of the stairs and kneels, setting Mjolnir down and removing his helmet. He smiles and winks at his mother before looking to Odin. He stands and taps his spear to the ground, silencing the crowd.

"Thor Odinson, my heir, my firstborn." Odin says. 

Dahlia clenches her hands into fists at his words, reaching out to Loki with her magic. His magic flows out and meets hers, calming them both. They both relax, and she runs her hands across the skirt of her dress, pulling her magic back.

"So long entrusted with the mighty hammer Mjolnir, forged in the heat of a dying star, its power has no equal, as a weapon to destroy or as a tool to build. 'Tis a fit companion for a king. I have defended Asgard and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms from the time of the great beginning. Though the day has come..." Odin continues. 

Dahlia zones out, knowing that Odin tends to draw out his speeches. She thinks of her father, wondering what in the Realms he's currently looking at.

"Do you swear to guard the Nine Realms?" Odin asks. Dahlia focuses back in on what he says, knowing this part is important.

"I swear." Thor answers.

"And do you swear to preserve the peace?" He asks.

"I swear." He repeats.

"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the Realms?" Odin asks.

"I swear!" He answers, raising Mjolnir.

"Then, on this day, I, Odin Allfather, proclaim you..." He trails off as something else grabs his attention. "The Frost Giants!" He says. He taps his spear on the ground. 

Dahlia sighs, knowing Thor will not react well to the Jotuns.


"What's this?" Volstagg asks as the group enters the room. The dining table has been flipped, and Thor and Loki sit on the steps nearby. Sif and Dahlia lead the way into the room, their arms linked.

"If it's any consolation, I think you're right. About the Frost Giants, about Laufey, about everything. If they found a way to penetrate Asgard's defenses once, who's to say they won't try again? Next time with an army." Loki tells his brother. 

Dahlia moves towards their voices, using her staff to sweep anything spilled from the table out of her way. When she nears, she holds her hand out, unsure of where they sit. Loki takes her hand and helps her sit next to them. She sets her staff to the side and turns her attention to the brothers.

"Exactly." Thor replies.

"There's nothing you can do without defying Father." He tells him. Thor begins to stand and Dahlia elbows Loki, silently scolding him for mentioning defying Odin. "No, no, no. I know that look."

"That's the only way to ensure the safety of our borders." He says.

"Thor, it's madness." Loki argues.

"Madness? What sort of madness?" Volstagg asks.

"We're going to Jotunheim." Thor answers. Dahlia sighs, leaning back to lay on the steps, knowing by the tone of his voice that there's no convincing him to rethink.

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