Chapter 10 - The Avengers

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Dahlia wakes, feeling someone holding her hand, immediately recognizing them as Loki. She sits up and he brushes the hair from her face.

"Loki? Where are we? What happened?" She asks. He sits next to her and takes her other hand in his.

"That moronic agent shot you. I've healed your wound, but you need to rest." He explains. "We're in Stark tower." He adds.

"Why are we here? What's going on?" She asks, confused.

"Don't worry darling. I'm taking care of everything." Loki tells her. They hear an explosion above them and he lifts her into his arms.

"Loki, where are you taking me?" She asks. He enters the next room and sets her down on the couch, kneeling in front of her.

"I'll be back." He tells her, kissing her forehead. He leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. "I'm sorry, my love. I won't have you getting hurt." He says, using his magic to create a barrier around the room, keeping her locked inside.

"Loki? Loki, let me out!" She calls, pounding on the door. She sighs and rests her forehead to the door, straining to listen for anything.

Minutes later she hears voices, recognizing the other as Tony. She hears glass shattering and throws her magic at the door, trying to free herself. She hears Tony return, this time in his suit, before he fires, and something hits the floor.

"Loki!" She shouts, trying to open the door again. She groans, knowing his magic is much stronger than hers and she's only getting out of this room unless he removes the magic surrounding it.

"Dahlia! Where are you?" Thor shouts later after Loki rolls off the roof and lands on one of the Chitauri. 

"I'm in here!" She calls, pounding on the door.

"I'm going to break the door down, stand back!" He warns. She chuckles and shakes her head.

"Don't, Thor. Loki's surrounded the room with magic in order to protect me. He's the only one who can let me out. I'll be fine, go help the others." Dahlia tells him. He sighs.

"Fine. I'll be back later." He replies. 

"Be careful." She tells him. 

"I'm always careful, Lady Dahlia." Thor says. She chuckles, listening to his footsteps as he leaves the tower.

Dahlia slides down the door and leans against it, accepting that she'll have to wait to be freed from the room.


Dahlia stands after hearing roaring then glass shattering. The room shakes for a moment before she hears Loki speaking.

"Enough!" He shouts. "You are, all of you, beneath me! I am a god, you dull creature. And I will not be bullied by-" He's cutoff and then she hears something slam on the ground multiple times.

"Puny god." Hulk says, walking away.

"Hello? Let me out!" Dahlia yells. She hears his footsteps near the door and backs away. Hulk rips the door off its hinges, tossing it out of the way. "Hello, Hulk. I'm sorry about Loki. He hasn't been himself lately." She tells him.

"It's okay, Little Flower." Hulk says. He pats her head, and she laughs. 

Dahlia listens as he leaves, waiting to be sure he's gone before leaving the room. She blinks, sensing her surroundings and finds Loki laying on the floor. She rushes to his side and kneels next to him, cupping his face in her hands.

"Loki? Are you all right?" She asks. He covers her hands with his own and sighs, comforted by her touch.

"I'm all right. I feel like myself again." He replies. She smiles and leans down to rest her forehead to his.

"I'm glad to hear. I've been worried sick." She says. He smiles at her and moves his hand to cup her face, stroking her cheek.

"You can relax now, Lia." Loki tells her. She tilts her head down and he takes a shaky breath before leaning his head up, their lips meeting in a kiss. He deepens the kiss but pulls away before it can get too heated, stroking her hair.

"I've wanted to do that for ages." She whispers, one hand cupping his face as the other slides down to rest on his chest. He chuckles and kisses her again.

"As have I." He replies, tucking her hair behind her ears. 

They move to get more comfortable, sitting on the stairs. Loki tucks Dahlia into his side and she rests her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around him. He runs his fingers through her hair, thinking of how Odin will react to what has happened here.


"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." Loki says after turning and spotting the Avengers watching them.

"All right, get him on his feet. We can all stand around posing up a storm later." Tony says. He turns and starts walking away. "By the way, feel free to clean up."

Thor and Hulk step forward, grabbing Loki and Dahlia and helping them to their feet. Hulk pats her head again and she smiles in his direction.

"You okay Little Flower?" He asks. She nods and reaches out to pat his arm.

"I'm fine, Hulk. Are you injured at all? I may be able to help." She tells him.

"No. Hulk smash aliens just fine." He replies, making her laugh.

"Okay, I'm glad you're okay too." Dahlia says.

"Who gets the, uh, magic wand?" Natash asks as Thor cuffs Loki's wrists.

"S.T.R.I.K.E. team's coming to secure it." Steve answers. The elevator beeps as soon as he's finished speaking and the team enters the room.

Dahlia reaches her hands out, finding Loki and slipping her arm through his. He covers her hand with his and she hears the chains binding his hands rattle with the movement.

"Are these really necessary?" She asks.

"Yes, Dahlia. He's now a prisoner." Thor answers. She frowns and tightens her grip on Loki, stepping closer to his side.

"On my way down to coordinate search and rescue." Steve says, walking past them. Loki quickly shifts into him and repeats his sentence.

"I mean, honestly, how do you keep your food down?" He asks, barely finishing his sentence before Thor gags him. Dahlia sighs and shakes her head but stays quiet, knowing Loki's silence will keep him from worsening the situation.

"Shut up." Thor tells him, grabbing his arm and pulling them towards the elevator. The group enters, protesting loudly when Hulk tries to join them.

"Maximum occupancy has been reached." Tony tells him. 

"Take the stairs." Thor says.

Dahlia sighs, dreading their return to Asgard.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story until now! I keep getting unexpectedly busy on the weekends, and I've been super burnt out from my classes so by the time it even gets to the weekend I'm exhausted lol. I actually know ahead of time that I'm gonna be busy this weekend, so I'm updating today instead. The semester is over in 2 (maybe 3?) weeks so I should be updating regularly from now on :)

I need some advice from you guys. Do you guys want the unrealistic but happy ending, or the more accurate, slightly bittersweet one? (Either way this story isn't gonna include the Loki series lol)

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