Chapter 15 - The Dark World

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"What I could do with the power that flows through those veins." Loki says after Thor finishes tucking the blanket around Jane. Dahlia rolls her eyes, shaking her head at him.

"It would consume you." Thor replies, taking a seat on the other side of the skiff.

"She's holding up all right. For now." He tells him, glancing at Jane.

"She's strong in ways you'd never even know." He says.

"Say goodbye." He states.

"Loki." Dahlia warns, smacking his leg with her staff.

"Not this day." Thor tells his brother.

"This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing." He argues, standing. "It's a heartbeat. You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you've prized will be snatched from you."

"Loki, stop it." She warns again, knowing that Loki believes the only way Thor will speak to him is if he antagonizes him into a fight.

"And will that satisfy you?" Thor asks, the brothers completely ignoring her just like every other argument since their childhood.

"Satisfaction is not in my nature." His brother replies.

"Fools." Dahlia scoffs, making her way over to sit with Jane, checking her vitals with her magic.

"Surrender is not in mine." He tells him.

"The son of Odin-" Loki taunts.

"No. Not just of Odin. You think you alone were loved of Mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust." He replies. Dahlia stands, glaring at them.

"Thor, you know that's not true." She argues.

"Trust? Was that her last expression? Trust? When you let her die?" He asks.

"Both of you stop it!" Dahlia shouts, moving towards them.

"What help were you in your cell?" Thor replies, stepping closer to his brother.

"Who put me there?" He asks. "Who put me there?" He shouts.

"You know damn well! You know damn well who!" He tells him, grabbing the front of his robes and slamming him against the side of the skiff. 

Dahlia pushes herself between them, shoving Thor back to create room between the brothers. She rests one hand on Loki's chest, the other on Thor's.

"Stop it, both of you. One more argument and I'm throwing you both off this skiff." She threatens.

"She wouldn't want us to fight." Thor says.

"Well, she wouldn't exactly be shocked." Loki replies, smiling. Thor chuckles and Dahlia moves back to her spot, knowing this fight is over for now.

"I wish I could trust you." He tells him, moving towards the other side of the boat, his back to them.

"Trust my rage." He says.

"Oh, Loki." Dahlia whispers, reaching her hands towards him. He takes them as he sits next to her, and she lets go to wrap her arms around him. Loki uses the key he'd swiped from his brother to unlock the cuffs around his wrists so he can pull her closer. She rests her head on his chest, and he kisses the top of her head.

Thor sighs when he spots that he's freed himself, but turns to hide his smile, knowing Loki could've left long ago and chose to stay.


Loki leads the way to the top of the hill, his hand in Dahlia's to guide her. Thor and Jane are close behind, crouching next to them to watch Malekith, Kurse, and the other elves exit his ship.

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