Chapter 47 - Endgame

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"Dahlia!" Tony shouts as he walks towards the front door of her house.

"Come in!" She replies from the kitchen sink.

"I figured it out." He tells her, taking the dishes she'd been washing and setting them down.

"Figured what out?" Dahlia asks, letting him lead her to a chair.

"Time travel." He answers, sitting across from her at the table.

"Uncle Tony come play!" Freddie yells from the living room.

"In a minute, Kiddo!" He replies, waiting for Dahlia to respond.

"We could do it? We could bring them back?" She asks after a moment.

"It's possible." Tony answers, knowing it's not guaranteed.

"Have you told the others?" She asks, knowing the last update she'd received was that they had recruited Bruce. 

"Not yet." He replies.

"When will you leave?" Pietro asks, standing in the doorway with Freddie in his arms.

"Mama?" Freddie calls. Pietro hands him to his mother and she brushes his hair out of his face.

"Do you want to go visit Uncle Thor?" She asks.


"You shouldn't have come." Val calls, getting Dahlia's attention. She waves her hand, finishing her work with magic before joining her. 

"Valkyrie! Great to see you, angry girl!" Bruce greets. 

"I think I liked you better either of the other ways." She replies.

"What?" Dahlia asks, confused by her comment. She uses her magic to sense her surroundings, finding that he had combined himself and Hulk. "You've done it? Oh, Bruce, I'm so proud of you!" She tells him, pulling him in for a hug.

"Thanks." He tells her. "This is Rocket."

"How ya doing?" He asks, nodding to them.

"They won't see you." Valkyrie tells them. 

"It's that bad, huh?" Bruce asks.

"We only see them once a month when they come in for 'supplies'." She replies, nodding towards the pile of beer and training dummies. Suddenly, there's a loud crash in the distance.

"Mama!" Freddie squeals, running towards them. 

"Sorry! He ran when he heard that crash. What was that?" Pietro asks, joining them. 

"That would be their 'training'. They train all day and drink all night." Valkyrie answers. "They're just over that hill." 

"Who's the kid?" Rocket asks.

"My son." Dahlia answers, adjusting him on her hip.

"Huh. He looks just like-" He says.

"His father? Yes, I know." She interrupts. "Now, you two go ahead. Tell Thor we'll be up there in five minutes."

"Got it. See you soon." He replies. They walk away and she turns to Pietro.

"Are you coming with us, or did you want to stay here?" She asks, knowing there's a local he always loves to flirt with.

"I think I'll stay." He answers.

"Tell Ingrid I say hello." She teases.

"Shut up." He mutters, glaring at her. She laughs and heads in the direction the others had gone in. 

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