Chapter 48 - Endgame

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"Will you take care of him while we're gone? I don't know how long it will be." Dahlia asks.

"Of course. I will teach him every curse word I know while you're gone." Pietro replies, chuckling.

"Pietro!" She scolds, glaring at him. He chuckles and ruffles her hair.

"It was just a joke! I've got him." He replies, rolling his eyes. She sighs and leads him over to where Tony sits with Freddie asleep in his lap. She joins him on the couch and gently brushes Freddie's hair from his face.

"I don't want to leave him, but I know he's safer away from here." She says.

"I know." Tony tells her. She nods, knowing he's the one person here who would understand her. 

"Mama?" Freddie asks as he wakes up and lifts his head.

"I'm here, Little Prince." She answers. He climbs into her lap, and she rubs his back as he lays his head on her chest.

"We go home?" He asks, still half-asleep. She chuckles and kisses the top of his head.

"You're going home with Uncle Pietro. Uncle Tony and I have to stay here for a little bit." Dahlia explains. He frowns but doesn't argue, knowing she wouldn't leave him if she didn't have to.

"We're going to have lots of fun. I have a bunch of ideas to entertain us." Pietro tells him, ruffling his hair. Dahlia opens her mouth to argue but quickly shuts it, realizing he's planning to distract himself as much as he can from the possible danger she'll be in.

"Have fun, but don't do anything dangerous." She says. She looks at Pietro. "Or illegal."

"Damn. There goes half my plans!" He exclaims.

"Language!" Nat calls, chuckling as Steve scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"I think it's time we get to work." Tony tells Dahlia. "I'll see you later, Kiddo. Love you." He leans over and kisses the top of Freddie's head as he stands.

"Love you, Uncle Tony!" He replies, lunging towards him. Tony chuckles as he catches him and lifts him into his arms. Freddie hugs him tightly, clinging to his shirt.

"I believe I'm the one you should be hugging, nephew." Thor says as he approaches.

"Uncle Thor!" He exclaims, reaching towards his voice. Thor chuckles as Tony passes him over before he heads towards the others across the room.

"Are you going to behave while your mother's gone?" He asks, tickling his nephew.

"No!" He giggles. Thor reaches over and squeezes Dahlia's hand, knowing they're both thinking that Loki would've loved to know how much his son enjoyed causing mischief with his Uncle Pietro.

"Don't cause too much trouble. It would be rude to leave your mother a mess to clean up." He tells him.

"Okay." Freddie sighs. He hugs Thor tightly and he chuckles, hugging him back. He hands Freddie to his mother before following Tony towards the others.

"I'll come back as soon as I can." Dahlia tells her son, brushing the hair out of his face. "I love you, Little Prince."

"I love you too, Mama." He tells her as he hugs her. She smiles and rubs his back, gently resting her head on his. 

"I love you." She repeats, kissing his forehead. He giggles and kisses her cheek.

"I'll see you soon." She says. She stands and hands Freddie to Pietro.

"We'll be okay." Pietro assures her, squeezing her shoulder. She nods and walks him to the door. She sighs, listening as their voices fade away.

"He looks like you." Seraphina says, standing next to Dahlia.

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