Chapter 33 - Ragnarok

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"Brother." Loki says as thunder rumbles and the sky starts to darken. Electricity crackles across his hands until he clenches them into fists.

"This was your doing." He accuses, making Dahlia roll her eyes.

"Thor, you can't seriously believe that." She scoffs. 

Before he can reply, a portal opens behind them. They approach, shifting into their armor as they near. Loki pulls Dahlia behind him, and she shakes her head with a chuckle, stepping up next to him. A woman steps out of the portal, closing it behind her.

"So he's gone." She says. They stay silent, staring at her. "That's a shame. I would've liked to have seen that."

"You must be Hela. I'm Thor, son of Odin." He introduces.

"Really? You don't look like him." She replies.

"Perhaps we can come to an arrangement." Loki offers.

"You sound like him." She says. "Kneel."

"Beg your pardon?" He asks.

"Kneel." Hela repeats, summoning a sword. "Before your queen."

"I don't think so." Thor says. He throws Mjolnir, but she catches it. He tries to summon it back, but he's unable to. "It's not possible."

"Darling, you have no idea what's possible." She tells him. 

Loki shields Dahlia behind him as there's an explosion of lightning. The brothers look back and see Mjolnir in pieces on the ground. Hela slicks her hair back, replacing it with her helmet. She summons a pair of swords as she slowly approaches.

"Bring us back!" Loki orders, wrapping his arm around Dahlia.

"No!" Thor protests, trying to run towards Hela. The Bifrost descends, bringing Thor with them. "Loki!" He warns, seeing Hela following them.

He turns, putting himself between Dahlia and Hela. He summons a dagger and throws it, but Hela catches it and throws it back. It knocks him and Dahlia out of the Bifrost, sending them away.


"Lia, are you all right?" Loki asks as he helps her to her feet. 

"I'm fine. Where are we?" She replies, sensing their surroundings.

"I'm not sure." He answers, kissing the top of her head and wrapping his arm around her. "Stay close." He adds, pulling her into his side.

She wraps her arm around him, staying as close as possible as he describes their surroundings. They eventually reach the edge of a city and run into an elegantly dressed man.

"Who are you?" He asks, looking them over, noticing their nice clothes and refined appearance.

"I am Loki. This is my fiancée, Dahlia." He introduces. The man gasps and clasps his hands together.

"I was looking for something exciting to do! Let's go get you two married!" He exclaims.

He turns and leads the way. The couple follows behind, Loki leaving some room for them to talk without the man hearing.

"Do you have any idea who this man is?" She asks.

"I believe he's the leader of whatever planet we're on." He answers.

"What? Why do you think that?" She replies.

"Because we're approaching a palace." Loki tells her. They walk in silence and the man eventually leaves them in a room so he can change into "more appropriate attire".

"We don't have to do this, Dahlia. If you don't want to marry me, we can run-" He says.

"You're an idiot." She interrupts.

"Excuse me?" He replies. She rolls her eyes and reaches out to cup his face.

"Of course I want to marry you. I've been waiting centuries for you to ask me, Loki." Dahlia tells him, kissing him.

"What? Why didn't you say anything?" He asks, shocked.

"Number one, it was obvious, and I shouldn't have needed to. Number two, would you have done anything about it?" She replies. "That's what I thought." She adds, when he's silent for a minute. "Now, come on. Let's go get married." She tells him, kissing him again.


"Loki! Dahlia! Over here. Over here." Thor says, getting their attention. Loki quickly sets their drinks down and shushes him as they rush to him.

"You're alive?" Loki asks. Dahlia elbows him and rolls her eyes.

"Yes, of course I'm alive." Thor replies.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm stuck in this stupid chair. Where's your chairs?" He scoffs.

"We didn't get chairs." Dahlia tells him.

"Get me out of this one." Thor says.

"We can't." Loki replies, grabbing Dahlia's hand as she raises it to break him out.

"Get me out." He repeats.

"We've made friends with this man. He's called the Grandmaster." He explains.

"I wouldn't exactly call him a friend." Dahlia mutters, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh, he's crazy!" Thor agrees. He gasps. "Um, what is that?"

"It's a ring, Thor." Loki says, rolling his eyes at his brother's shocked expression.

"What? You two got married?" He asks. He turns to Dahlia. "What would your father say?" She rolls her eyes.

"Oh, goodness, I hope he hasn't seen what we've been doing." He jokes. Dahlia punches his arm, and he winces, rubbing the spot. "Sorry, my love, but I am the God of mischief."

"You're going to be the God of embarrassment if you don't shut your mouth. I've got all kinds of stories-" She replies.

"We've gained the Grandmaster's favor. The Bifrost brought us out here weeks ago." Loki interrupts, trying to change the subject.

"Weeks ago? I just got here." Thor scoffs.

"What are you whispering about?" The Grandmaster whispers, making them jump. "Time works real different around these parts. On any other world, I'd be, like, millions of years old. But here on Sakaar..." The brothers glance at each other as he doesn't finish his sentence, only smiles. "In any case, you know this, uh...You call yourself Lord of Thunder?"

"God of Thunder." He corrects. "Tell him."

"I've never met this man in my life." Loki says. Dahlia elbows him.

"Thor is Loki's brother." She tells him.

"Adopted." He adds.

"Is he any kind of a fighter?" The Grandmaster asks.

"You take this thing out of my neck, and I'll show you." Thor laughs.

"Now, listen to that. He's threatening me. Hey, Sparkles, here's the deal. If you wanna get back to Ass-place, Assberg-" He says.

"Asgard." He interrupts.

"Any contender who defeats my champion, their freedom they shall win." He explains.

"Fine. Then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick!" He exclaims.

"That's what I call, contender. Direction would be this way, Lord." The Grandmaster says, steering Thor's chair away.

"Ah! Loki! Dahlia!" He protests.

"As soon as we get back to our room, you're talking to him." Dahlia tells her husband as he watches his brother disappear around the corner.

"Of course, darling." He agrees, leading her back to the couch they had been sitting on.

Lady Dahlia | Loki OdinsonWhere stories live. Discover now