Chapter 41 - Infinity War

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Dahlia stands next to Bucky, Aleks on his other side next to her sister. Nat, Steve, and T'Challa walk away to speak with the two standing on the other side of the dome.

"They surrender?" Bucky asks as they return.

"Not exactly." Steve replies.

"What the hell?" He says as they watch aliens run from the trees.

"Do you know what these creatures are? Are they familiar?" Steve asks Dahlia. She reaches her magic out towards the creatures, shaking her head.

"No, I don't recognize their auras." She answers.

"Looks like we pissed her off." Nat tells Steve.

"That is disgusting." Aleks says as they watch the aliens killing themselves as they try to get through the dome.

"They're killing themselves." Okoye says, horrified.

The border tribe form a wall as some of the aliens begin breaking through. The people with ranged weapons, including Bucky and Aleks, begin shooting as the aliens get closer. Dahlia moves a few steps away from the couple, trying to lessen the sound of their guns firing. 

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us, there's nothing between them and Vision." Bruce warns.

"Then we better keep 'em in front of us." He replies.

"How do we do that?" Okoye asks.

"We open the barrier." T'Challa answers. "On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen."

"This will be the end of Wakanda." M'Baku says.

"Then it will be the noblest ending in history." Okoye replies.

The border tribe drop the wall, and T'Challa steps out in front.

"Wakanda forever!" He shouts. They shout as they charge forward, the section opening ahead of them.

Steve and T'Challa rush ahead of the group using their superspeed, while Bucky keeps pace with Aleks. Dahlia sticks close to them, not wanting the newly married couple to have the same fate as her own marriage.

The group fights, doing all right until they become outnumbered. As the tide seems to turn against them, a bright light comes down onto the battlefield, killing any aliens who get too close. An axe flies out of the center, killing quite a few aliens before returning to its owner.

"Thor?" Dahlia cries from Aleks' right, shocked but grateful that he's alive. She pauses for a moment, processing that he's alive and has joined the fight. Bucky and Aleks cover her, knowing she'll rejoin the fight when she's recovered from the shock of him being alive.

"You guys are so screwed now!" Bruce yells as he laughs.

"Bring me Thanos!" Thor shouts as he joins the battle with his new friends. He takes out a large group and Aleks laughs, impressed with the destruction.

"Come and get some, space dogs!" Rocket yells as he shoots the approaching aliens.

"Aleks, duck!" Bucky yells. She drops to the ground and shoots from there as he grabs the raccoon and spins around, killing the surrounding creatures.

"How much for the gun?" He asks as Bucky drops him.

"Not for sale." He replies.

"Okay. How much for the arm?" He asks, making Aleks laugh. Bucky just looks at him before walking away.

"Oh, I'll get that arm." Rocket mutters. Aleks chuckles, rolling her eyes.

"Admirable ambition, but you take that arm, I shave you." She threatens before following after Bucky. Dahlia chuckles at the interaction and she begins fighting her way towards Thor as Aleks moves towards her sister, Bucky following his wife.

"Lia? You're all right?" Thor asks her when she reaches his side. 

"I'm as fine as I can be right now." She replies as they fight side by side. "Are you all right?"

"As fine as I can be right now." He answers, repeating her words.


"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming." Steve says.

"What the hell?" Nat asks as she looks around. They watch as a portal opens and a tall alien steps out.

"Cap. That's him." Bruce says.

"He's a lot uglier than I imagined." Aleks mutters.

"Eyes up. Stay sharp." Steve says, rolling his eyes at her comment.

The team each approach him and he quickly deals with them until Dahlia steps towards him. She raises her arms and magic swirls from her hands. Half of it wraps around his gauntlet, keeping him from using the stones while the other half pins him in place.

"I remember you." He says as she walks closer. "I'll enjoy killing you, just as I did your father and husband." He taunts. Her magic swirls around him, as uncontrolled as her emotions. He smirks, his plan having worked. He quickly rips his arm free from the magic keeping it in place, grabbing her by the throat.

He lifts her up, planning to kill her, but spots Wanda starting to destroy the Mind Stone behind her. He punches her instead, knocking her out, and tosses her to the side, just like he ended up doing with Loki.


"Dahlia!" Thor yells, rushing around to find her as she wakes. She gets to her feet, confused as she senses people disappearing.

"Thor? What's going on?" She calls, trying to find him. He reaches her and wraps his arms around her tightly, hoping that if he holds her tight, he won't lose her, too.

"He did it." He tells her, leading her over to the others once he's sure she won't disappear.

Aleks collapses to the ground, grabbing Bucky's gun and clutching it to her chest. The survivors slowly make their way back to the clearing, seeing who else wasn't blipped.

"What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhodey asks.

"Oh, God." Steve says.

Nat gently wraps her arm around Aleks and pulls her to her feet. She leads her away as she stares straight ahead, her eyes unfocused. Everyone gives the sister's their privacy, checking on each other as Nat comforts Aleks.

Hey guys! I'm also gonna write Infinity War from Loki's POV. I think as of right now I'm gonna post his POV, then Endgame, but if anyone wants Endgame first just let me know lol.

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