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Amber's POV

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" I ask Simba as he leads us farther from the Water Hole. Heading north. There's not a lot of living trees. In fact in looks pretty baron here, which is strange.

"Of course I do, we just have to keep heading north" he states.

"Think we lost Zazu?" I ask the pair.

"We lost him" Nala states.

"I am a genius" Simba declares.

"Hey, genius, it was Amber's idea" Nala reminds him.

"Yeah, but I pulled it off" he states.

"We us" we remind him.

"Oh yeah?" he asks and tackles me. But I dodge him and Nala pins him. I laugh.

"Hah pinned you" Nala laughs.

"You should know you're no match for us Simba" I tell him smugly as I exam my claws.

"Let me up" Simba whines. Nala lets him up and backs away from him. He then tackles her and they roll into me. We go down a steep hill. Nala and I pin Simba at the bottom of it.

"Hah, pinned you again" Nala brags.

"With help" I remind her and she nods her head. As Simba grumbles. A nearby geyser erupts catching our attentions. We all look at it as Nala and I let Simba get to his feet. As the steam clears, we notice a nearby ridge. Over which an elephant skull is barely visible.

Simba leads us towards it, a large grin spreading on his face. Together we climb over the ridge and the whole skeleton comes into view. "This is it. We made it" he tells us excitedly.

"You were right Simba, this is pretty cool" I tell him. We jump up on one of the skull's tusks and overlook the Elephant Graveyard. We exchange awed looks. "Tama would of loved this" I state.

"We'll bring her next time" Simba states.

"It's really creepy" Nala states.

"Yeah, isn't great?" Simba asks.

"We could get in big trouble" Nala tells him

"I know" he laughs.

"Which is why no one will know we were here, this will be our secret and Tama's" I tell them. They nod their heads in agreement. We jump off of the task and look at the elephant's skull.

"I wonder if its brains are still in there?" Nala muses.

"There's only one way to know. Come on" Simba tells us heading toward the skull. "Lets go check it out" he suggests. We agree following silently. Suddenly Zazu flits in front of Simba, blocking his path.

"Halt!" he shouts and lands in front of Simba. Who backs away from him. "The only checking out you will do will be to check out of here" Zazu tells us.

"Aww man" Simba complains.

"We're way beyond the boundary of the Pride Lands" Zazu states.

"Wait, we are?" I ask him shocked. "Simba, you never told us we were leaving the Pride Lands" I state. Glaring at him.

"It's fine Amber, we're just beyond the Northern Border. Banana beak is just scared" he tells me.

"It's Mister Banana Beak to you, fuzzy. And right now, we are all in very real danger" Zazu states. He looks around nervously while Simba strides past him.

"What sort of danger?" I ask him.

"Danger? Ha! I walk on the wild side" Simba states. "I laugh in the face of danger" he declares as he crouches in front of the skull. He lets out a loud laugh. From inside the skull three other laughs sound. Definitely now lion.

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