Zuko's Baby Sister

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Amber's POV

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Amber's POV

So turns out I was pregnant five months ago. And two months ago I gave birth to my daughter Nikki. Zuko was not impressed, he wanted a brother. But I know he secretly loves his little sister. Tiifu, Zuri and Kiara are best friends. They play together often.

Simba and Nala's pride had three new lionesses join it recently. Aqua, Tikki and Rose. But they had also lost some members. Sarabi, Naanda and Sarafina. It hit everyone hard, especially Nala and Simba. So Jace and I took over the pride for a week, giving them a break from the responsibilities to moan the passing of their mothers.

Anyway today we'll be taking Nikki to introduce her to their pride. She had her presentation a couple days ago. She was very curious and confused. "Mum, time to go!" Zuko shouts as he runs into the den.

"Zuko, our sister is in the middle of her path" I tell him and go back to bathing Nikki.

"But..." he tries to say.

"Listen to your mother Zuko" Jace tells him.

"But we'll be late" Zuko whines.

"A queen is never late" I tell him.

"I know, I know. Everyone else is simply early" he finishes. "But the girls as I were going to play hide and seek" he states.

"Let me guess, you're it" Jace says.

"So?" Zuko asks. I finish grooming Nikki and pick her up.

"Is she ready?" Zuri asks as she appears with Tiifu.

"Yes" Jace tells them and they cheer. We set out for pride rock. Jace carried Nikki across the water while Zuko jumped himself. Tiihu was carried by her mother and Zuri by Espen.

"Ah, my tail got wet!" Zuri whines.

"It's just a little water" Zuko tells her.

"Such a guy thing to say" Tiifu mutters as she comforts her sister.

"Come on you two" Neera says nudging her cubs along. Jace continued to carry Nikki as we headed for Pride Rock. We arrive.

"You're late" Simba states.

"Amber decided to give our daughter another bath" Jace states after putting Nikki down.

"She was dirty" I state.

"Does she have a name?" Nala asks.

"Nikki" I tell her.

"She's beautiful, like her mother" Diku states.

"Agreed" the three new girls say.

"Where's Kiara?" Tiifu and Zuri ask Nala.

"She went out exploring" Nala states.

"I told her to stay on the path I marked for her" Simba adds. "I also sent Timon and Pumba to watch her" he states.

"Probably already lost her" Aspen chuckles. Ebony whacks her with her tail. "What?" she asks confused.

"I'm sure she'll be back soon" Nala states.

"Good, she has to meet my sister" Zuko states. "Nikki!" he shouts when she wonders a little chasing a beetle. He grabbed her and brought her back to the group. "Stay" he tells her. She meows in protest and we all chuckle.

"How are you girls settling in?" I ask Tikki.

"We're settling in well, we hunted for the pride a couple days ago for the first time" she states.

"They took down a wildebeest" Nala states.

"Speaking of hunting, we have to hunt today" Ebony states.

"You, Aspen, Neera and I will go later" I assure her.

"Can we come?" the cubs ask.

"No, you two will stay with Dwala at the den" Neera tells her daughters.

"That goes for you and Nikki also Zuko" I add and he groans. We stay a little longer. Before returning home to hunt. While Simba, Nala and the three new girls went to look for Kiara. Who had wondered to far from home.

We'd later find out she had meet an out lander cub and was playing with him. Simba remind Zira of her place. Before letting her leave with Kovu, who was apparently Scar's chosen heir. I wonder why Scar chose him over his son Nuka? Aside from Nuka being a scrawny cub. I also wonder if Kovu is even her son or Scar's.

"You're thinking about her again" Jace says as he joins me at the top of our mountain.

"Yeah, mainly about the cub Kovu" I tell him.

"You think he might be Tama's?" he asks.

"I don't know, but if he is then he belongs here in our pride. Not in the Out lands with Zira" I state.

"We'll do some digging, if he is Tama's. Then we'll bring him home" he promises me. "Come on, it's late and the others are already asleep" he tells me. I smile and follow him back to the den. We curl around our cubs. Nikki was sleeping half on Zuko and half on the ground. We soon joined them in the world of sleep.


Picture above of Nikki in Amber's paws. Pictures in chapter of the River Pride/Zuko now and the Pride Lands three newest members.

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