Chance Meeting

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Pride lands waterhole:

(Six weeks later) Amber's POV

I sneak out of my parents private den and make sure the ghost is clear. I go to run to mine and Tama's meeting spot. But am grabbed by a soft grey paw.  "Mummy let me go! Tama's waiting for me!" I giggle and she releases me. I go to run but a pair of strong but gentle jaws grabbed my scruff.

They lifted me and placed me in front of my mother. When I look up I see my dad release my scruff and pout. "Were you really going to leave without saying goodbye Amber?" he asks me with a smile.

"Maybe" I tell him sheepishly.

"You know the rules" mum tells me.

"Not to go anywhere without telling one of you" I mumble.

"That's right" dad says nuzzling me affectionately. "Now where are you off to in such a hurry?" he asks me.

"To play with Tama, we want to explore" I tell them happily.

"I see no problem with that, do you dear?" dad asks mum.

"No, as long as you keeps the mountain in view" mum tells me.

"We will" I assure her swishing my tail happily.

"Then run along and play" they tell me. I nuzzle against them purring before taking off to find Tama. I find her and tackle her playfully before taking off. She follows me laughing.

She soon tackles me and I pout up at her. "No fair Tama" I tell her.

"Not my fault, I have longer legs" she tells me shrugging. She gets off me and I sit up then shake my far out. "What now?" she asks me.

"I told my parents we'd be exploring" I tell her.

"Then lets go explore, I saw this new waterhole across the river" she tells me.

"Sounds great" I tell her smiling. We run towards the river and stop. "How do we cross?" I ask her confused.

"Look" she says pointing. I look with see four large smooth rocks forming a path across the river. We head over for a closer look. "Do you think we can make it?" she asks me.

"I think so, it doesn't look to slippery. I'll go first" I tell her and back up a little. Then run forward and jump onto the first rock. I land safely and look back at Tama smiling. "That was kind of fun, come on" I tell her smiling.

We soon cross the river and have a little celebration. "So which way to this new waterhole?" I ask Tama. She looks around to get her barrings then points northeast. We take off in that direction.

Soon we reached a large waterhole with a few herd animals. "This is more beautiful up close" Tama states. I nod my head in agreement.

"Lets drink, I'm thirsty" I tell her and we go to the shore. We crouch down and lap at the water happily. Suddenly we hear the laughter of two other cubs. We raise and turn around. To see a creamy coloured female with teal eyes and a golden coloured male with mahogany eyes. Both appear to be our age.

They freeze when they see us then the girl bounds over. "Hi, are you new to the pride?" she asks us. "I'm Nala" she adds quickly.

"No, we're from the River Pride" I tell her.

"I'm Tama and this is Princess Amber" Tama states.

"You know I hate formalities Tama" I say annoyed. She just shrugs.

"What coincidence? Simba is the prince here" Nala states gesturing to the male cub.

"Pleasure to meet you both" he says.

"Do you two want to play with us?" Tama asks.

"Sure, you know how to tackle?" Nala asks us in a whisper. We nod out heads and she shifts her eyes to Simba. "On the count of three" she tells us smirking mischievously.

"One" I say.

"Two" Tama continues.

"Three" we all shout and tackle Simba. We all laugh as he groans and grumbles underneath us. We got off and he shakes out his fur.

"You've ruined my mane Nala" he says pouting.

"What mane?" I ask him confused.

"Do you mean the little tuff of fur on your head?" Tama asks in a teasing voice. "Because that is no mane" she states.

"Yeah, a zebra foal has more fur" I add also teasing. Just then a shadow falls over us. Tama and I hid behind the other to.

"Simba, Nala your mothers are looking for you" a male voice drawls.

"Thanks uncle Scar" Simba says smiling.

"Who are these young bloods?" Scar asks him looking at Tama and I.

"Our new friends Tama and Princess Amber from the River Pride" Nala says proudly.

"Then you two should return to your pride, I'm sure they are worried" he tells us.

"Right, we were just leaving" Tama tells him hurriedly.

"We'll see you around Simba and Nala" I say. We then take off towards the river and don't stop until we crossed it. "Am I the only one who got weird vibes from that lion?" I ask Tama.

"No, I felt it too" she states.

"We'll just avoid him when we go back to play with the other two" I tell her. She nods her head in agreement and we return to the den. To be greeted by our mothers, who decided it was bath time. While they cleaned us, we told them of the new friends we made.

Mother was very pleased we became friends with them. She explained how we have a peace treaty with the pride. Said we could visit whenever we wanted and that the other two could visit us here. Tama and I agreed to ask the other two to visit sometime.


Picture above of Amber and Tama now. Picture on the external link of Simba and Nala together.

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