Pouncing Lesson

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Amber's POV

"So where are we going dad?" I ask him happily. He said we'd spend the whole day together. While mum and the others hunt, Tama went to watch.

"I thought you should learn more about our sister pride's territory" he states. "So we are meeting up with Mufasa and Simba. Mufasa will give us a tour of the pride lands" he explains.

"Wow, this is exciting" I say feeling giddy.

"Just stay close" he tells me and I smile nodding my head. We reach the river and he goes to pick me up. But I dodge him.

"I know a safe way across" I tell him and run to the jump rocks. I use them to jump across and he soon joins me.

"Let me guess, that's how you got across with Tama the other day" he muses and I nod my head. "It won't always be safe, in future have an adult with you" he tells me.

"Yes, papa" I say smiling. We make our way to pride rock. I spot Mufasa and Simba leaving it and crouch down.

"Welcome Axel, where's Amber?" Mufasa asks. I pounce on Simba and pin him down laugh.

"Got yah" I cheer.

"Hey let me up" Simba whines and let him up prancing back to my dad. I then stand beside him facing Mufasa.

"Pleasure to meet you King Mufasa" I say bowing my head.

"The pleasure is all mine Princess Amber" he says smiling. "Let us begin the tour" he states. He and dad walk either side of Simba & I. "Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures-- from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope" he explains.

"But dad, don't we ate the antelope?" I ask my dad confused. While Simba asks Mufasa the same thing. Both dads chuckle smiling at us.

"Yes Amber, but let Mufasa explain" dad tells me.

"When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life" Mufasa explains. Suddenly a bird landed on a rock in front of us.

"Good morning sires" he says bowing.

"Good morning, Zazu" Mufasa says as dad nods his head in greeting.

"Checking in... with the morning report" Zazu starts. Mufasa tells him to fire away and I frown. He and my dad listen intently as Zazu talks.

"I thought we were getting a tour?" I ask Simba. But he wasn't paying us any attention focusing on a grasshopper. He pounces to try and catch it. But misses, making me giggle quietly. He misses several times before our dad's notice.

"What are you doing, Prince Simba?" dad asks him.

"Pouncing" Simba says rubbing her head.

"Let an old pro show you how it's done" Mufasa tells me smiling. He crouches down beside Simba as Zazu continues to give his report.

"Zazu, would you turn around?" Dad asks him. Zazu agrees and turns around. But continues to give his report.

"Stay low to the ground" Mufasa tells Simba.

"Okay, stay low to the ground, right... yeah" Simba whispers back.

"What's going on?" Zazu asks us.

"A pouncing lesson" dad and I tell him smiling.

"Oh very good. Pouncing" Zazu says turning around. Then suddenly turns to face us exclaiming, Pouncing!?! Oh no, sire, you can't be serious" he begs. But Mufasa motions for him to turn back around. "Oh... this is so humiliating" he mutters turning back around. Dad and I lower ourselves to the ground, out of view.

"Try not to make a sound" Mufasa and dad tells us cubs. We nod our heads as we disappear into the grass. Zazu notices we're gone and calls out to us. But we make no sound until Simba does a full pounce leaving Zazu stunned on the ground. While trotting back over to us as we all laugh. "That's very good" he tells Simba chuckling.

"Bet I could of done better" I tease.

"Nah ah" Simba tells me shaking her head.

"Yah ha" I say.

"SIR! Hyenas! In the Pride Lands!" Zazu suddenly shouts.

"Zazu take Simba home" Mufasa orders.

"Amber go with them to pride rock" dad tells me.

"Oh dad, can't we come?" Simba and I ask our fathers.

"No son/Amber" they tells us and run off.

" I never get to go anywhere" Simba grumbles as we head back towards Pride Rock.

"Oh, young master, one day you will be king. Then you can chase those slobbering mangy stupid poachers from dawn until dusk" Zazu assures him. When we reach pride rock Simba goes to look for his uncle. While Zazu takes me to the lionesses and Nala. Who is receiving a bath from her mother and I see Queen Sarabi napping on a rock. So I lay down and talk to Nala as she gets her bath.


Picture above of Axel and gif on the external link of of Simba pouncing on Zazu.

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