Fire Damage

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Zuko's POV

It's the day after the fire. Mum and I are going to check our home. So the damage done by the fire. Figure out how long we'll have to stay at Pride Rock. "So did you speak to Kovu this morning?" I ask mum as we head to our homeland.

"Yes, briefly. Then he went to water hole" she tells me.

"So what did he say?" I ask her curious.

"He isn't Scar's son and has a twin sister" she states. But I can tell she not telling me everything.

"What is it mum?" I ask her.

"His sister name is Vitani" she tells me.

"And the matters why?" I ask her confused.

"Tama and I may of not been pregnant when we last talked. But we always talked about what we'd name our future cubs" she states. "I named you after my grandfather and she always wanted to name her daughter after her grandmother" she explains.

"And?" I ask still not following.

"Tama's grandmother's name was Vitani" she tells me.

"Oh, so you think Kovu and his sister as Aunt Tama's lost cubs?" I ask her.

"Yes, but I'm not positive" she tells me.

"If they are, we'll bring them home" I assure her. She smiles and nuzzles my mane.

"You look so much like your father, he'd be so proud of you" she tells me.

"I hope so" I tell her. We reach the river and can see some of the damage. We cross it with ease. Then go up the hill and gasp as the sight before us. Our homeland is nothing but a barren landscape of scorched ground and dead trees.

"Oh damn it" mum groans as we walk through it.

"It'll grow back" I assure her.

"I know, but it'll be a couple of months" she states.

"Simba and Nala will allow us to stay in the pride lands with our pride" I remind her.

"I know, I just hate having to depend on them again" she states. We hear voices and share a look. We approach the voices from down wind. "Nuka, Dotty?" mum asks in shock.

"Amber?" a lioness with dots under her right eyes asks shocked.

"You two have grown, though a little scrawny and why is your mane a mess Nuka?" mum asks.

"It's what happens when you live in a termite mound and hardly get any food" Nuka grumbles.

"I'm so sorry you guys had to go through that" Mum tells me. "If it were up to me. You two and the other cubs would of never of had to live in the out lands" she states.

"They're out landers?" I ask and glare at them.

"Calm Zuko, they won't cause us trouble" mum assures me. "I used to cub sit them" she states. "How are Spotty, Mila and Majira?" she asks Dotty.

"Pretty much as fine as I am" she states.

"Well if you guys ever grow tired of Zira, you are welcome here" mum tells them.

"We gotta go Dotty" Nuka states.

"Right, it was nice seeing you again Amber" Dotty says. Before leaving with Nuka.

"Are you sure that was wise mum?" I ask her.

"They are not evil my son, just misguided" she tells me. "Lets go check on the den" she states and continues on. I sigh and follow her. We arrive at the den to see some debris blocking the entrance. "Not to bad, we can fix it up when we return" mum says.

"Jake, Ezra and I can move that debris easily" I state. "We'll come back in a few days, when it's safer and do so" I add. She nods her head. We head back to Pride Rock. Mum goes to tell Nala and Simba. While I tell our pride.

"Zuko, how about you show me the pride lands tonight?" Suri asks me.

"Sure, lets go now. There's much to see" I tell her. "Then I'll take you to my favourite part of the pride lands" I add. She smiles and we left the others.

"So how long until we can return home?" she asks me.

"A couple of months until their enough vegetation for the herds" I tell her.

"Well it'll be timed perfectly then" she says with a smile.

"What will?" I ask her confused.

"Take a deep breath" she tells me. I do so and smell an amazing scent. I look at her and she giggles. "I'm in heat" she states.

"Then how about we not return to Pride Rock tonight?" I suggests.

"My thoughts exactly" she says flicking me with her tail. "But it you want to mount me, you'll have to catch me first" she states and takes off. I sprint after her. I tackle down and hill, this timeI land on top as we laugh. She lick my cheek and I look into her eyes lovingly.

I then let her up and nuzzle her lovingly. "How did I get so lucky?" I ask her.

"I should be asking you that" she states. We both smile. "Now what's this great place you wanted to show me?" she asks.

"Follow me" I tell her and lead the way. I can't believe we're finally going to mate tonight. Then in a little over three months, we'll be parents. As well as king and queen of the River Land Pride.


Picture above of the fire damage and picture on the external link of Nuka with Dotty.

The last five chapters:


Simba's Judgement

Out Landers vs Pride Landers

Kovu and Kiara Wedding

Epilogue: Dawning of a New Era

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