3 New Members

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Amber's POV

It's been a few days since the start of Scar's reign. Tama and I have tried to leave. But Sarabi and her girls have stopped us each time. As it's to dangerous for two cubs to survivor alone. Sarabi says once we have learnt to hunt, then we may leave. Until then she's showed us to a cave not far from pride rock. Saying we could stay here until we leave. It's better then being at pride rock surrounded by hyenas.

"We start training today right?" Tama asks me.

"Yes, Sarabi and Sarafina will be training us. Along with Nala" I state. "Sarabi says we all need to learn quickly with Scar as king" I add.

"I miss my mum" Tama says.

"I miss my parents and our pride" I tell her. "But we'll avenge them, I promise you Tama" I state. She smiles.

"Girls!" Dwala calls. She is one of Sarabi's three sisters. The others are Diku and Naanda. Tama and I exit our cave. Dwala greets us and rubs her head against us lovingly. She'd sort of adopted us since we joined.

"We hunting today?" I ask.

"Yes, come along little ones" she tells us and leads us away. We meet her sisters, Sarafina and Nala at the waterhole. Before they lead us to the plains. Where a herd zebra and wildebeest herds are grazing.

"Stay here and be quiet. Observe, listen and learn" Diku tells us. We nod our heads laying down. Naanda leads the hunt. The others fanned out while she picked a target. She then drove the herd to the others. They worked as a team to separate the target and pin it. Before Sarabi dealt the killing blow.

Sarafina comes to collect us cubs and we go eat first. "Why don't you guys eat first?" I ask curious.

"Cubs always ate first, but eat quickly. It won't be long until the smell attracts other predators" Dwala states. I nod and we continue to ate. Dwala was right, the scent did attract other predators. Three rogue lionesses.

Sarabi and the others surround us as the rogues approached. "Please can you spare some food?" the one with a spot on her chin asks.

"We're starving" the one with grey eyes states.

"Beauty-spot and I are also pregnant" the third says.

"Of course you may have some" Sarabi tells them. She introduces herself and us. Beauty-spot introduces herself and her friends. Who are called Gereza and Ikhala. As they ate we hear someone coming.

"Beauty-spot!" Zira shouts as she appears with Scar and his three main hyenas.

"Zira!" Beauty-spot exclaims in shock. She greets Zira like an old friend along with the other two. "We thought you dead" she states. As the three hyenas helped themselves to the kill.

"I would be, if not for Scar" Zira tells her. "I'm queen now" she states. "Scar, this Beauty-spot. She and I were good friends before I fell in the river" she explains.

"Any friends of yours are welcome here" he states.

"Even if they're pregnant?" Ikhala asks.

"You guys are pregnant?" Zira asks shocked.

"Just Ikhala and I" Beauty-spot tells her. Zira and Scar speak in whispers. Before Scar approaches the girls.

"You and your cubs may stay. But you must swear loyalty to Zira and I" he tells them.

"Of course" the girls says.

"Lets all ate then" he states.

"But the hunters haven't eaten yet!" Tama exclaims.

"It's fine little one, we'll hunt another day" Dwala assures her. Zira and Scar made the hyenas leave to go hunt. Leaving to kill to him and his pride.

"What now?" Nala asks.

"What did you observe in today's hunt?" Diku asks.

"You all worked together as a team" Tama states.

"You choose your target before striking" I add.

"Very good" Naanda praises us.

"A pride hunting together has more success then a lone lioness or lion" Sarafina tells us.

"Remember the hunting rules" Sarabi tells us.

"We will" we assure her.

"You guys also came at the herd from downwind, so that couldn't smell you" Nala adds. Sarafina smiles proudly at her daughter.

"How did you get so close without the herd hearing you?" I ask Naanda.

"Like this" she says crouching low to the ground. She turns her paws over and crawls forward. Barely making a sound.

"Cool" Tama says.

"Now we have better night vision then most herbivores, so we have the most success at night" Dwala tells us. We nod our heads absorbing the information. We go to the waterhole and have a drink. And bath before returning to pride rock. To laze in the shadow during the hottest part of the day.

Before Nala, Tama and I practice our fighting skills. Until sunset, when Scare and Zira returned with the three new members. Who were introduced to the others of the pride. Before Dwala took Tama and I back to our cave. Wishing us a goodnight before returning to the main den.


Picture above of the three new members (I don't own the image).

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