Kiara's First Hunt

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Zuko's POV

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Zuko's POV

So today Kiara is going on her first hunt. Tiifu and Zuri already completed their first hunts. So we're hear to cheer Kiara on. By we, I main Jake, Tiifu, Zuri, Suri, Ezra and Nikki. Who is now a teenager. We lost dad during the dry season. It hit mum and Nikki hard. I had to step up to take over dad's role as king.

But mum's still queen until Suri and I mate. She had finally accepted to be my mate. Which I am very happy about. Once she goes into heat and has had our first cub. We'd take over the pride completely and mum would retire to the pride lands.

"Think she'll succeed?" Ezra asks as we laze in the enclave of pride rock.

"Sure she will" Suri states.

"As long as she can stay quiet" Jake states and she shoves him.

"At least I have a couple of months still before I have to hunt" Nikki states.

"Yeah, and you don't take training seriously" I state.

"I can fight" she states.

"You still need to learn to hunt, it's an important skill" Suri tells her.

"She's right" Nala agrees.

"Fine, I'll practice harder with mum and Neera" Nikki assures them. I notice Simba pacing on the promontory. I get up and go over to him.

"Worried about Kiara?" I ask him.

"Yeah" he says.

"She had some of the best hunters this pride has seen teach her. She'll be fine" I assure him. "Besides you sent Timon and Pumba to watch her like usual right?" I ask.

"Yes, but they've returned. She discovered them and gave them the slip. Heading further away from Pride Rock" he states.

"I could go search for her" I offer.

"No, if she's not back soon I'll send out a search party" he states. Simba starts to pace again. I sigh looking at Zazu for help.

"Oh, don't worry, Simba. She'll be fine. What could happen?" Zazu asks. Simba pauses abruptly in his pacing and stares at a distant column of smoke. We followed his gaze gasping in shock.

"No... No! Kiara!" Simba shouts and runs towards the ground. I follow him as Zazu takes to the sky. "Zazu, fly ahead! Find her!" he orders as we passed the others.

"Suri take my sister home, warn my mum about the fire!" I order. I follow Simba. Nala, Jake and Ezra follow us with the other lionesses. We run towards the smoke the leads to the river. I pray mum and the others are ok.

"Sire, I found her!" Zazu shouts as he finds us. "She's with a rogue lion!" he states.

"Lead us there!" Simba orders and Zazu does so. We arrive to see the rogue smirking at a surprised Kiara. "Kiara!" he shouts and she looks surprised. He gets in between her and the outsider roaring at him.

"Kiara, you're alright" Nala says relieved nuzzling Kiara.

"Father, how could you break your promise?" Kiara demands as he glares at the lion.

"It's a good thing I did. I almost lost you" he states. Glancing at her. "No more hunts for you, not ever!" he snaps.

"But I was doing just fine! Even before Kovu..." Kiara starts to say.

"Kovu?!" Simba demands looking at the rogue. Wait Kovu, isn't that the name of the outsider cub Kiara befriend nearly a nearly ago? Simba and Kovu roar at each other. Kiara and Nala look between Kovu and Simba with concern.

"Simba" Nala says firmly and he stops roaring. But still glares at Kovu.

"Hey! You!" Rafiki shouts and we all look at him. To see him looking at Kovu. "How dare you save the king's daughter?" he asks.

"You saved her? Why?" Simba asks Kovu.

"I humbly ask to join your pride" Kovu tells him.

"No! You were banished with the other Outsiders" Simba states.

"But he was a new born" I remind him.

"I have left the Outsiders. I am a rogue. Judge me now, for who I am. Or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn't commit?" Kovu asks Simba. Who starts to pace.

"Simba, you owe him your daughter's life" Nala tells him and he growls. Zazu lands in front of him.

"Hmm, yes, sire. Clearly, we are in his debt. And royal protocol demands that all debts be paid" Zazu remind him. "Though, in this case, you might want to make an exception" he adds. Simba glances over one shoulder at Kovu.

"My father's law will prevail. For now, I reserve judgment" Simba states turning way. "We'll see who you really are" he adds. We head for pride rock. Where my pride is.

"What happened?" Nala asks my mum concerned.

"The fire, there was so much smoke. But we got everyone out" mum states. "Can we stay here tonight?" she asks.

"Of course, you are always welcome" Nala assures her. Simba nods her head in agreement.

"Who's this?" she asks looking at Kovu.

"He's name is Kovu" I tell her and she looks at him shocked. "Come on everyone, it's been a long day. Lets go to bed" I tell both prides.

"Agreed" Simba says. Both prides head for the den together. Simba stops Kovu from entering before going into the den. I watched Kiara approach Kovu.

"Thanks for saving me today" Kiara tells Kovu.

"What kind of hunter are you anyway, princess? You almost got yourself killed out there" he tells her.

"What?" she asks.

"You wouldn't last three days on your own" Kovu tells her. He's right.

"Oh, and I suppose you could teach me?" she asks him.

"Yeah" he says with a scoff.

"Kiara!" Simba calls.

"Coming!" she shouts. Kiara races after Kovu and steps into his path. "All right. Impress me, we start at dawn" she tells him before entering the den.

"If you want somewhere warm to sleep, I suggest the enclave. It'll block the wind" I tell him. Before entering the den. I go lay by my mother and sister. Glad we're all together and ok. Praying our lands won't be to badly damaged because of the fire. I drift off to a dreamless sleep.


Picture above of teenage Nikki and pictures in chapter of the others now. Picture on the external link of Kovu.

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